Troop 810 - Old News

Service Opportunity - The 3rd Annual Kar-Krooze for Kick It is being held on Saturday, May 30th from 12-4pm at the Brecksville Broadview Heights Middle School, 6376 Mill Road, Broadview Heights, OH 44147. 100% of the proceeds from the event go toward Pediatric Cancer Research. Volunteers are needed to help during the event. Contact Tommy Waite directly or visit for more information.

Caving - Laurel Highlands - We are planning a caving adventure to Laurel Highlands in PA for our May outing. The cost of this trip is $50, which covers camping, food and the fee for caving. The deadline to turn in your permission slip and money is April 7th. Please RSVP on trooptrack for all events. View the trip plan for more details.

Florida Sea Base 2015 - The trip plan and itinerary has been posted. Tuesday May 19th. following the troop Court of Honor we will have a MANDATORY meeting for all scouts attending Sea Base, parents are welcome to attend, however, so we are not there all night, any parent questions can be addressed another time. Parents, eight of us have a zero balance & eight of us still have a balance due totaling over two thousand dollars. All Sea Base expenses must be paid in the next couple weeks, we need all money due to be turned in by the May 5th meeting so the troop does not have to be out this money, some are waiting on council for scholarship money, we cannot wait any longer, if awarded this money it will be paid directly to you. If you do not now your balance you can contact Karen Bazan or myself. Med forms must be up to date and turned in to Mr. Aube. $50.00 for air boat adventure turned in asap. Scouts, mark your calendar Tuesday May 19th. Sea Base Meeting

Summer Camp - Our original summer camp has been changed from Camp Hugh Taylor Birch to Camp Friedlander. Camp Hugh Taylor Birch cancelled the week that the troop had reserved. The PLC decided on Camp Friedlander.

Chickagami Park - The trip plan for our April outing at Chickagami Park has been posted. This will be a Fishing and Scout skills weekend. Fee of $25 and permission slip are due at our troop meeting on April 7th.

March Outing - In March we will be doing a Lock-in at the Kendall Cliffs climbing facility on March 13-14.

ACME Cash Back Program - Do you shop at ACME? Troop 810 is now a member of the Cash Back Program. We will be collecting receipts for sales from September 18 - February 4, 2015. Receipts can be placed in the Coke Rewards bin for submission on March 1 ....and don't forget to save Coke Rewards from pop cases and lids!

Friends of Troop 810 Trailer Fund Raiser - Please join us for a fun evening of food, drink, and raffles for the benefit of the troop. Bring along some friends and family and make it a really great time! If each family could purchase/sell 4 or 5 tickets we could raise enough to purchase the camping trailer in a single night. Tickets for the evening will be $20 per person. Admission will include all you can eat pizza, boneless wings, pasta, and salad, as well as draft beer, well liquor, and soft drinks. We will have opportunities available to win prizes with our basket raffles, side-boards, and a 50/50 drawing. Contact Mr. Nenadovich, for tickets, questions or more information.  We CANNOT accept checks payable to the troop, CASH ONLY. Payment is required before releasing tickets.

Snow Sports Weekend at Peek'n Peak - our next outdoor activity is skiing/snowboarding at Peek'n Peak ski resort. We will be staying at Camp Merz in Roberts Cabin. The permission slip and fee of $25 is due by the PLC Meeting on February 10th. This outing is limited to 20 people due to the size of the cabin. Fee and permission slip may be turned in early to ensure your spot. Complete details can be found on the trip plan.

Yard Charge and Hemlock Creek Campout - The trip plan for Yard Charge and Hemlock Creek has been posted. Cost for the campout is free as long as you help rake at yard charge, otherwise it is $10. Fee and permission slip are due at our troop meeting on Oct. 21st.

Parish Festival - The Assumption Festival is the weekend of August 8-10, 2015. The troop will be helping out with setup before the event and throughout the weekend. Please sign-up for volunteer times using the Festival Sign-Up Sheet. Additional information can be found here or on trooptrack at Assumption Parish Festival. Mr. Aube is coordinating the event.

Summer Camp 2014 - The trip plan for our summer camp at Heritage Scout Reservation on July 13-19, 2014 has been posted. Please review this page carefully, it contains a lot of information and details about the trip. Camp Coordinators for summer camp are Mr. Dzurnak and Dr. Kimation. Please contact them if you have any questions that are not answered by the trip plan. Mr. Aube is arranging drivers, if you can drive there or back please get in touch with him. Mrs. Soroczak is coordinating Visitors night on Wednesday July 16th, please contact her if you plan to attend.

Senior Scout Retreat - On June 21-22, the troop will be having an outing at Mr. Deran's property for senior scouts in the troop. This is a campout designed for the youth leadership to come up with a vision for Troop 810. There will be no cost for this event, but it is by invitation only. Attendance is highly encouraged, those receiving invites and wanting to go need to turn in a permission slip by our troop meeting on June 17th. View the trip plan for complete details.

Summer Camp! - Summer camp is the perfect place for the boys to develop into great scouts.

  • When: July 13th-19th
  • Where: Camp Freedom, Heritage Scout Reservation
  • Camp Coordinator: Dr. Kimatian
  • Payment Schedule:
    - March 4 - $125
    - April 1 - $125
    - May 6 - $100
  • Merit Badge and Program Selection Due to Dr. Kimatian by April 13th. Camp is very full, be sure to turn-in your selection on time in order to get the best chance at getting your first choice.

Court of Honor - June 3rd at 7:00pm - All scouts and their families should plan on being in attendance to be recognized and receive advancement awards. This event will be held at the Church Hall/Assumption School Gym. There will be a raffle for those in attendance with various prizes from the troop closet.

Memorial Day Parade - The troop is marching in the Broadview Heights Memorial Day Parade on May 26th. Participants should show up at 10:30am at the Old Church. We will then walk over to the parade staging area in the strip mall behind 5th/3rd Bank off Rte. 82. Come dressed in complete uniform and prepared to join in on the flag raising.

Cast Iron Chef Campout - Our troop will be visiting Cleveland Metroparks Hinckley Reservation during the weekend of May 16-18, 2014 for a Cast Iron Chef campout. Scouts will be able to earn requirements for Cooking MB and enjoy the great outdoors. Permission slip and fee of $25 is due at our troop meeting on May 6th. Full details can be found in the trip plan.

Camp Butler - Space Derby - The troop is heading out to Camp Butler the weekend of April 24-26, 2014. Permission slips and the fee of $35 are due by the PLC meeting on April 8th. Fee includes cost of a rocket to be launched on Saturday afternoon. The complete trip plan now available on the website.

Easter & Mother's Day Flower Sale - Troop 810 will be selling beautiful flowering pots each containing a white lily, yellow mum, and purple hyacinths for Easter and adorable watering cans containing busy geraniums for Mother's Day. Pricing and more information is available on the flyer. Order deadlines: Easter Flowers - April 7th, Mother's Day Flowers - May 1st.

Camp Stambaugh - The troop will be staying in a cabin the weekend of March 21-23, 2014. Permission slips and the fee of $25 are due at the troop meeting on March 3rd. The complete trip plan now available on the website.

Oil Creek State Park - We are scheduled to hold an outing at Oil Creek State Park in Pennsylvania on February 15-16, 2014. A tentative trip plan has been posted on the website. Attendees must have a backpack to hike into camp with all gear and food. Deadline for turning in $25 camp fee and permission slip is at our troop meeting on January 21st. There will be a short meeting with all those attending after the troop meeting to finalize plans. This is a firm deadline because reservations have to be made with the park! Mr. Makowski is the coordinator for this event if you have any questions.

Holiday Party - Troop 810 Holiday Party is scheduled for December 13-14, 2013, 7:30pm-8:00am. The evening is filled with good food, and plenty of fun playing video and board games. In the spirit of the season, scouts should bring one unwrapped toy to be donated to a worthy cause. See trip plan for patrol food assignments and other information.

Yard Charge and Byzantine Monastery - This event will be on November 9-10, 2013. The trip plan with full details for both events has been posted. October 15th is a key date for turning in permission slips and fees (if required). Adults! We will also need to know if you will be available to help during Yard Charge and/or the Monastery campout.

2013-2014 Schedule - Troop leadership held their Annual Planning Conference on July 30th and has come up with a schedule of events for the new program year. The schedule is now available on the website for your review.

Camp Tuscazoar, Orienteering - Our plans for Camp Tuscazoar have changed from a weekend to a day trip on October 5, 2013. The trip plan has been updated with complete details. Fee has been reduced to $15 and the window for sign-ups is now closed.

Camporee - The trip plan for the East District Camporee has been posted. Camporee is the weekend of September 20-22, 2013. Fee of $25 and permission slip are due at our troop meeting on September 3rd.

2013 Schedule posted on website, we would like each family to have one adult attend at least one event during the year. Also need drivers for every event. Thank you, our volunteer leaders need your help!

Medical Forms are due annually - remember when you are scheduling your Scouts annual physical, that you get a new signed Medical Form before Summer Camp-please bring and original and a copy and give to our Outdoor Coodinators, Mr. Bazan or Mr. Aube. Link to Medical Forms

Next Meeting: August 6, 2013 - Help Needed: Assumption Festival, each Scout should work at least 4 hours at the Festival, sign up at next meeeting. Mr. Aube will have a sign in sheet to make sure all shifts are covered. Note there are two overnight campouts available at the festival as well, let him know if you will attend



  2. Camporee May 11-13, 2012-HAVE FUN

  3. Weekend campout added: June 29, 20 and July 1 at Cady Road Monastery

  4. Medical Forms - please turn in completed and signed medical forms (by your physician) BEFORE summer camp or High Adventure.

  5. Youth Protection: Required for ANY ADULT attending any campout and is valid for 2 years. This is an online course that takes about an hour. When complete please fax or give your certificate to Mrs. Verhovnik

  6. Looking for one or two parents to share the responsibility to be at the end of every meeting to take CPO (GIFT CARD) orders. It is easy and can also be done via email. You collect forms and money, Mrs. Soroczak will get the cards, and you will distribute at next meeting, or earlier if needed, and arrangements can be made. This is an easy job and is at no cost to you to buy the gift cards and profits go directly to your Scout fund. Contact Mrs. Soroczak if interested.

Scout Sunday - Troop 810 along with other scouting organizations at Assumption Parish participate in the 9:00am liturgy every third Sunday of the month during the school year. Show your Scout Spirit by attending this mass in uniform.The next date is May 20, 2012.

May 15, 2012: Normal meeting at 7pm

High Adventure Week June 24-June 30, 2012 contact Mr. Booth if interested. Cost will approximate $400 with the first $50 non refundable deposit due at the March 6th meeting.
-------Marengo Cave exploring, Cave Country Canoe Trip on the Blue River, two day backpacking trip in the Hoosier National Forest, Zip Line and Sky .....................Trail High Adventure Course at The Zoo in Louisville.
-------Requirements: Age 13 and First Class by June 1, 2012
-------Need: Adult Leaders and/or Parents who can attend and drive during the trip with gear and Scouts
-------Estimated Cost: $400 for Scouts and adults
-------Payment Schedule: $50 due March 6; $100 due March 20, $100 due April 17, $150 due May 1

November 1,2011 advancement, step 2 of physical fitness requirement: for those Scouts on their way to Tenderfoot, be at the old church on Tuesday November 1st at 6:30 to complete your Tenderfoot requirements and get your Scoutmaster conference, if completed you can have your Board of Review on November 8 and be awarded Tenderfoot at the Court of Honor on November 15.

November 1 High Adventure Presentations: Parents welcome, the slide shows and speeches should start around 7:45 and will include Philmont, Northern Tier, Sea Base and Jambo.

Rigatoni Dinner November 2, 2011:
Reminder-this is our only Troop fundraiser, sell those tickets and let Mrs. Soroczak know your ticket count by October 27 or earlier so we can order the right amount of food. EVERY SCOUT and Parent is required to be at this dinner to make it a success. Please let Mrs. Soroczak know when you will be there for your 3 hour shift-thank you

November 1, 2011,
$10 due for Hemlock Creek campout (November 12-13, 2011) if not raking at Yard Charge. Please sign up for Yard Charge so Mr. Drown knows who will attend, we need drivers in the morning and to and from the campsite. If you rake in the morning there is $0 cost for the campout but you will need to bring money for lunch, we will be stopping at a fast food restaurant, or you can bring your own lunch.

ELECTIONS will be held on November 1st.
Prepare your speech now and decide what leadership role you want to be in for the next 6 months.

Moved summer events:
Kelley's Island Campout: July 15-17, take the ferry to Kelley's Island, biking, exploring, swimming, camping. Great weekend for a Scout and his parent. Cost $40 each person including all the ferry costs.

Webelos 2011 Crossovers
- WELCOME FAMILIES! We had 3 members from Pack 652, 1 member from Pack 59 and 5 members from Pack 810 join the troop.

2-1-11 meeting cancelled due to snow storm
January 2011-Klondike Derby,
didn't win, but got great auction items!
2010 events - see schedule for details
and 6 Eagle Scouts: Matthew S, DJ L, Chris B, Doug D and Alex D
Camp Stambaugh campout -
March-2010 great time was had by all.

Webelos 2010 Crossovers - WELCOME FAMILIES! We had 8 members from Pack 652 and 8 members from Pack 810 plus 1 new member join the troop.
2009 Eagle Scouts: Justin C, Kyle K, Kurtis S, John V, Kevin K

Klondike - challenge held at Beaumont weekend of January 15-17 attended by 9 boys and 3 adults. Penguin patrol came in 2nd place of 14 Patrols, way to go!

Christmas Party December 18-19 - Bring gently used toys or games or books to be donated to the Cleveland Metro General Hospital Pediatrics Ward. No stuffed animals unless they are brand new. Also bring games, board or video along with a TV to show them, to play during the party. Food and beverages will be provided but other snacks or treats you might want to bring are welcome. This will be an overnight in the old church and will begin at 6:30pm on Friday and end at 10am on Saturday.

Camporee-The Challenge of All Challenges - The troop attended the Cuyahoga Valley District Camporee during the weekend of September 18-19 at the Meadows in the Brecksville Reservation. The fee for this event has been waived for those who will represent our Troop. Permission slips are due at our troop meeting on September 1st.

2009 Summer Camp – This year Troop 810 will be going to summer camp at Seven Ranges Scout Reservation during the week of July 12th – 18th.  Seven Ranges is located just east of Canton, OH and is just a short 1.5 hour drive form Broadview Heights. Seven Ranges offers many opportunities for your scout to work on merit badges as well as time to enjoy outdoor activities such as swimming, canoeing, hiking and patrol challenges. This year the summer camp leader is Mr. Drown. Please contact him if you have any questions about summer camp. Seven Ranges has a payment schedule that we must adhere to in order to receive a $30.00 discount per scout. Total cost of camp will be $220 per scout after the discount. Please pay the $100.00 down payment by the March 3rd scout meeting and have the $120.00 balance paid in full no later May 5th. There will be a $30 late fee for any payments after the May 5th deadline.

High Adventure - The Troop 810 High Adventure Trip will be open to all members that are 13 years of age or older by June 15.  The trip is scheduled for June 21-27.  All members going on the trip will earn their 50 miler award.

Preliminary schedule:

  • Sunday - leave in the afternoon (1:30pm) and stay overnight near Ohiopyle, PA for two nights
  • Monday - White Water Rafting
  • Tuesday - morning activity (area has many attractions, Mountain Biking, Climbing, etc.), leave for backpacking early in afternoon, Backpacking at Zaleski State Forest - Leg 1
  • Wednesday - Backpacking Zaleski State Forest - Leg 2
  • Thursday - Backpacking Zaleski State Forest - Final Leg, leave for Hocking Hills around noon.  Zip Line activity in afternoon, leave for camping at Mohican Wilderness after activity.  (cost of zip line is $85, but 1/2 price for youth 10-15 with a paid adult on Thursdays, we also may be able to get a group discount if we have over 16 people.  This is included in the total fee.)
  • Friday - Canoeing (full day activity, roughly 25 miles), stay overnight at Mohican Wilderness.
  • Saturday - Head for home.

The estimated cost for this event is set at $300.  This could change once actual costs are determined.  Here is the payment schedule.

  1. $50 - March 17th
  2. $100 - April 21st
  3. $100 - May 19th
  4. $50 - June 2nd

Scout Sunday - Troop 810 along with other scouting organizations at Assumption Parish participate in the 9:00am liturgy every third Sunday of the month during the school year. Show your Scout Spirit by attending this mass in uniform. Next mass is scheduled for May 17th.

Troop Meeting, April 21st - This meeting will be held at the Harriet Keeler Memorial Picnic Area in Cleveland Metroparks Brecksville Reservation. A Naturalist from the Metroparks will be meeting with us for a short service project and nature hike.

April Outing - The troop will be heading to Muskingum Valley Scout Reservation during the weekend of April 17-19, 2009. A fee of $20 along with permission slip are due at our April 7th meeting. This will be a great opportunity for first year scouts to get a taste of camping with the troop and earn requirements for the Tenderfoot rank. More experience scouts will also have opportunities to work on advancement. Everyone is sure to have a good time fishing or on our trail hike. Complete details can be found on the trip plan.

Troop Meeting, April 7th - Due to Holy Week we will not be meeting at our regular troop meeting room. Instead we will meet at "The Fields" at 8938 Broadview Rd. in Broadview Heights. From Broadview Rd, turn onto Royalwood Rd and take the next right on Memorial Dr. We will be at the shelter located behind the Tennis Courts. Please dress for the weather.

March Outing - The trip plan for our campout on March 20-22 to Camp Stambaugh has been posted. We have reserved an excellent cabin and this event should be both productive and fun. Time has been put aside to work on advancement and there is plenty of free time to explore the camp and enjoy the outdoors. The normal restriction on electronics has been lifted for this outing. Don't forget to decide among yourselves what board games to bring for game night. Permission slips and $20 fee is due at our troop meeting on March 3rd.

Registration Fees - It is that time of year again when the troop recharters. Each scout will need to renew their membership for the coming year. Registration fees will be the same as last year, $25. If your family has more the one scout in the troop, the first is $25 and all others are $13. Fees are due on or before our troop meeting on March 17th. It is important that our rechartering not be delayed, please pay these fees on time.

Blue and Gold Banquet - The annual Blue and Gold Banquet for Cub Scout Pack 810 will be on February 22nd in the Family Center at 10:30am. We will need at least six scouts to help with the crossover ceremony. Please contact Mr. Makowski if you can attend.

Parents Meeting - There will be a parents meeting at our February 17th troop meeting beginning at 7:30pm. We will go over annual business and our plans for future outings such as summer camp. At least one parent from each scout should be in attendance to receive this information. There will also be a Friends of Scouting presentation.

Klondike Derby - There were not enough members of the troop to make up a patrol for the rescheduled Klondike Derby on February 14th. Our troop will not be attending this event.

Orienteering - The trip plan for the Orienteering event on February 8th at Brecksville Reservation has been posted. All scouts attending the event are asked to contact Mr. Makowski to let him know you are coming.

Klondike Derby - The Klondike Derby has been rescheduled as a one day event on February 14th at Oak Grove Picnic Area in Brecksville Reservation. Those that went on the original Klondike must contact Mrs. Verhovnik to let her know if you can make it or not.

Eagle Court of Honor - please join Joey and his family on February 1st at the Independence Rec Center, to recognize and celebrate his achievement of the Eagle Scout rank. All scouts and guests are asked to arrive by 1:55pm, the ceremony will begin promptly at 2:00pm. Contact Mrs. Pikus if you need additional information.

Klondike Derby - The trip plan for Klondike Derby on January 16-18, 2009 at Beaumont has been posted. Please review the trip plan for details of this activity. The link to the packet showing all the individual events is located at the bottom of the trip plan. Those going can get a heads up on the competition by reviewing the packet. All permission slips and fees ($20) need to be turned in at our troop meeting on January 6th.

Troop 810 Holiday Bash - The troop will be having a holiday party on December 19th from 6-10pm in the Lower Old Church.  At our troop meeting on December 16th we want to get an idea of who is coming and what kind of games you will be bringing.  For those of you that have not attended before, this is a CASUAL (no uniform) event where we play board or video games and just have fun.  The troop will supply Augies Pizza and Wings.  There is also some pop left over from the Rigatoni Dinner that we want to use up.

Patrol Food Assignments:
Penguins - Healthy Snacks
Bisons - Snacks
Rams - Pop

Rather than have a gift exchange this year, the PLC voted to bring in gifts for others.  Our gifts will be going to the Children's Hospital at Metro Health Medial Center.  See the list!  "Everything should be unwrapped."  Also, if anyone is unable to donate anything new at this time, used books and videos in good condition are always welcome.  They are always in need of books to give to children at Doctor appointments or just to have in the waiting room.  Movies should be rated PG or G.  Used VHS and DVDs are accepted if in good condition.  There is a video library that kids can check movies out of.  Travel size toiletries from hotels are welcome and will stock the PICU for parents who have to stay the night with their children. Thank you for thinking of Metro.

Summer Camp Plans Finalized - The troop will be attending Seven Ranges Scout Reservation located in Kensington, OH from July 12-18, 2009. The Surveyor's Point campsite has been reserved for our stay.

Eagle Court of Honor - please join Matthew and his family on December 11th at Strongsville United Methodist Church, 13500 Royalton Road, Strongsville, Ohio 44136, as we both recognize and celebrate his achievement of the Eagle Scout rank. All scouts and guests are asked to arrive by 6:55pm, the ceremony will begin promptly at 7:00pm. Contact Mr./Mrs. Owen if you need additional information.

Eagle Court of Honor - please join David and his family on December 7th at Assumption's Upper Old Church, to recognize and celebrate his achievement of the Eagle Scout rank. All scouts and guests are asked to arrive by 1:55pm, the ceremony will begin promptly at 2:00pm. Contact Mr./Mrs. Deran if you need additional information.

Yard Charge and Monastery, November 8-9 - The trip plan for this year's Yard Charge and after campout to the Byzantine Monastery have been posted. Yard Charge is free and parents are encouraged to participate. To attend the Monastery campout, please turn in your $10 fee and permission slip at the troop meeting on November 4th.

Rigatoni Dinner, November 5th - The dinner is our main fund raiser for the year. All members of the troop and parents are required to participate. You can sign up for a time slot to work with Mrs. Verhovnik or Mrs. Begley. Along with working at the event each scout must sell at least 20 tickets (10 adult, 10 senior or child). Scouts not selling their quota will be required to pay dues of $100 (dues will be adjusted for partial sales). Everyone needs a ticket to eat, including scouts. You are encouraged to sell more tickets if you can, but there are no prizes for high ticket sellers this year. Ticket prices are the same as last year $6.50 for Adult, $5.00 for Senior or Child. Each family should bake one sheet cake and batch of cupcakes or brownies for the dessert table. All scouts are to wear their Class A uniform including neckerchief and slide while at the dinner.

Scout Pants and Shorts - We have 6 pairs of pants that are slightly used and need a home. If they don't go in a month, they will be offered to the Cub Scout Pack to see if anyone wants them. Contact Mrs. Verhovnik if you are in need of a pair of pants or shorts.

  • Shorts, waist 27 and 32
  • Long pants, waist 33, 30, 29 and 27

Backpacking - The troop will be having a backpacking trip the weekend of October 10-12 at Beaumont. The trip plan has been posted and contains complete information about the trip. Please turn in your $20 fee and permission slips at the troop meeting on October 7th. We'll also be doing a shakedown that evening. During shakedown tent assignments are made, crew gear and food are issued. We want everything to be set for an easy departure on October 10th, all going must be at the shakedown.

Troop Meeting, Sep. 16th - The next troop meeting will be held at Oak Grove in Cleveland Metroparks Brecksville Reservation on September 16th at 7pm. The scouts will have a short presentation from the Popcorn Kernel and then enjoy athletic events out on the field (bring a baseball glove). WE REQUEST AT LEAST ONE PARENT PER SCOUT ATTEND A MEETING THAT EVENING AT 8PM IN THE SHELTER. We will be going over key points about the Rigatoni Dinner and each family's required participation in this event. This is our one and only fund raiser, it is important that all families join in to help. The schedule for the coming year will also be discussed. Lastly, there will be a short Troop Committee meeting after the parents meeting. Feel free to join in.

Camporee - The troop will be attending the Cuyahoga Valley District Camporee during the weekend of September 12-14. This year's theme is the "SPL Challenge". All events were designed by the SPL's from the troops within the district. The fee of $20 along with permission slip is due at our troop meeting on September 2nd. See the trip plan for a complete description of the events.

Bike Hike - The troop will be taking a bike hike on Saturday, August 30th. For complete information see the trip plan.

Ad Altare Dei - Ad Altare Dei is one of four Religious Emblems that Catholic Scouts can earn. It focuses on the sacraments and is a very rewarding program. Many scouts in our troop have earned the award. The flyer provides details of our upcoming program. Please look over the information and determine if you would like to participate. Sessions start August 24th and we would like to know by our troop meeting on August 19th so we can purchase workbooks for the group.

Assumption Parish Festival - The troop will be helping with the Assumption Parish Festival from June 25-29. Be sure to take a look at the overall plan and schedule. Please wear the proper uniform, requirements are listed on the schedule. To schedule what time you will be working, contact Assistant Scoutmaster Pytel before our troop meeting on June 17th. You can also help with tear down on Monday and Tuesday morning after the festival at around 9-10am. The amount of time you contribute is up to you, but everyone should get involved in some way.

Troop T-Shirts - Contact Mrs. Verhovnik if you have outgrown or need a new troop t-shirt. You can get a larger size by turning in your old shirt. If you lost your shirt or it has become damaged, you can replace it for $5. Red T-shirts are given to all members after joining the troop. Blue T-shirts and hats are given when you attend your first summer camp. If you do not stay in the troop more than a year we will ask that they be returned.

Summer Camp I - Ransburg, June 29th to July 5th. Mr. Dzurnak is the camp coordinator.

Summer Camp II - Manatoc, July 20th to July 26th. Mr. Drown is the camp coordinator. The trip plan has been posted.

Summer Camp I - The first summer camp of this summer will be at Camp Ransburg in Bloomington, IN from June 29th to July 5th. Those of you that attended in 2004 will remember it being a fun camp to attend with plenty to do. Check out the Leaders Guide if you would like to learn more about the camp or ask someone that's been there. The Crossroads of America Council has a fee payment schedule that we must adhere to in order to keep our campsite. Total cost of camp, excluding transportation, will be $205. Transportation fees will be determined at a later date. Here is the fee schedule as put out at the parent's meeting on January 29th.

  • Feb. 19 - $55
  • Mar. 18 - $50
  • Apr. 29 - $100 ($10 late fee if total not received by this date)

* - Adults going to Ransburg, an initial deposit of $50 is requested at our March 4th meeting. Total fee will be determined as our numbers firm up.

Summer Camp II - Our second summer camp will be at Camp Manatoc in Peninsula, OH from July 20th to July 26th. Camp Manatoc has plenty of activities and merit badges to keep you busy. Look over the Leaders Guide for basic information about the camp. The Program Guide will be coming in April. You can always ask some of the scouts that have been there about what to expect. Mr. Rickert is the camp coordinator for Manatoc. The total cost of camp will be $210. Here is the fee schedule that was put out at the parent's meeting on January 29th.

  • Feb. 19 - $60
  • Mar. 18 - $50
  • Apr. 29 - $100 ($10 late fee if total not received by this date)

* - Fee for adults going to Manatoc will be determined at a later date. Contact Mr. Rickert to let him know you are interested.

Eagle Court of Honor - please join Ryan and his family on June 8th at Concordia Lutheran Church, 6705 Brecksville Road, Independence, Ohio, as we both recognize and celebrate his achievement of the Eagle Scout rank. All scouts and guests are asked to arrive by 1:45pm, the ceremony will begin promptly at 2:00pm. Contact Mr./Mrs. Schaffeld if you need additional information.

Eagle Court of Honor - please join Joey and his family on June 1st at Assumption Family Center, to recognize and celebrate his achievement of the Eagle Scout rank. All scouts and guests are asked to arrive by 1:45pm, the ceremony will begin promptly at 2:00pm. Contact Mr./Mrs. Jenks if you need additional information.

Eagle Scout Project - Matthew O. can really use your help for his Eagle Scout Project. His project involves building a bridge over a creek for the therapeutic horsemanship program at Camp Cheerful in Strongsville. The camp needs a bridge that is wide enough for the horse, and for a person on each side of the horse who assists the handicapped rider. The chief architect of the Metroparks has mentored him and they have a great design.

The entrance for Camp Cheerful is located on Royalton Road close to 71 in Strongsville. There is a big sign on the right hand side of the road if you are coming from North Royalton. Turn at the sign and follow the road back to the camp. If your parents are dropping you off, once inside the camp, there is a narrow road on the right hand side of the main building that they can drive on to bring you to  back by the bridge or you can walk.

If you are able to work, please bring work gloves, bottled water, and an electric drill if you have one. If not, still come! The base of the bridge is done and we are ready to begin on the decking. They want to get it finished as soon as possible so they can use the bridge this summer. The work times have to be coordinated with the camp and the activities going on there. FYI--These are the dates that are available in May. I will be reminding you too!

  • Friday, May 9 - 5:30pm
  • Saturday May 10 - 1:00pm
  • Sunday, May 18 - TBD
  • Sunday, May 25 -TBD
  • Monday, May 26 - TBD

A couple more Friday nights are up in the air, I will let you know.

Memorial Day Parade - May 26th, 2008 - Scouts will meet at 10:15am at the Old Church. Wear your complete class A uniform. You may wear scout shorts and socks if the weather is nice. Parade starts at 11:00am followed by a Memorial Service. We will be handling the flag raising at the start of the Memorial Service. Parade leaves from the Assumption Church parking lot.

Indians Game - May 23, 2008 is Scout Night at Progressive Field. The Cleveland Indians play the Texas Rangers beginning at 7:05pm. Upper Box tickets are only $10 (reg. $20) for all scouts, their family and friends. Scouts in uniform will receive a commemorative patch. If you are interested in going either stop by the PLC meeting on Tuesday, May 13th or send payment directly to our treasurer, Mrs. Krymowski. Payment must be received by May 13th so we turn our ticket order in on time.

Court of Honor - May 20th, 2008 at 7:00pm all scouts and their families should plan on being in attendance to be recognized and receive advancement awards. This event will be held at our normal meeting location in the upper old church. Patrol food and drink assignments are as follows...

  • Crows - Pizza
  • Screaming Eagles - Pretzels
  • Penguins - Cookies
  • Raging Rams - Chips
  • Bonfire Bisons - Baked Goods
  • Troop will provide soda

Scout Sunday - Troop 810 along with other scouting organizations at Assumption Parish participate in the 9:00am liturgy every third Sunday of the month during the school year. Show your Scout Spirit by attending this mass in uniform. Next mass is scheduled for May 18th.

Camp Avery Hand - We have been able to reserve a campsite at Camp Avery Hand for the weekend of May 2-4. Join us for a great weekend in the outdoors. A basic trip plan has been posted and will be updated with more details soon. The fee for this outing is $20 and is due at our troop meeting on April 15th.

April Outing - The trip plan for our April outing to Punderson State Park has been posted. This is a one night outing and should provide opportunities for advancement and a great time. Cost is only $10 and is due at our troop meeting on April 15th.

Troop Open House - The troop will be holding an open house at our meeting on April 15th. Prospective members will visit our troop to learn what scouting has to offer. For our open house to be a success, members that are not yet First Class must invite Webelos and/or Friends to come for a visit. By inviting someone to a troop meeting it satisfies one of your First Class requirements. Stations need to be informative and provide a short activity. For example, in firebuilding you could demonstrate different types of fire lays and then have the participants choose and build one on their own. Each patrol has been given an area of responsibility, please take time to prepare for this event.

  • Crows - Firebuilding
  • Screaming Eagles - Merit Badges and Advancement
  • Penguins - Campouts and Summer Camp
  • Raging Rams - Backpacking and Camping
  • Bonfire Bisons - Invitations and Tour Guides

Patrol Leaders, to make this work you need to contact your patrols and distribute the work load. It's up to you to make Troop 810 look sharp and make this event a success!

OA Spring Fellowship - All Order of the Arrow members and Ordeal candidates are welcome to attend the Spring Fellowship scheduled for April 11-13. This is the first opportunity for Ordeal Candidates to complete their Ordeal. Members eligible for Brotherhood can also complete the requirements necessary to seal their membership in the lodge. Please join other members of the troop and lodge for a weekend of fun and fellowship. Contact the Troop OA Representative if you need more information or are interested in sharing a ride out to camp.

Eagle Court of Honor - please join Nate and his family on April 13th at the Broadview Center Gymnasium, as we both recognize and celebrate Troop 810's newest Eagle Scout. All scouts and guests are asked to arrive by 1:45pm, the ceremony will begin promptly at 2:00pm. Contact Mr./Mrs. Pytel if you need additional information.

March Events - The Great Lakes Science Center trip was cancelled because the camp-in program was booked the weekend we wanted. Scouts are encouraged to attend the Cuyahoga Valley First Aid Meet on March 8th. Patrols should get together and figure out who is going then show up as a group. Another outing added to the schedule is a Cavaliers game on March 21st. This is open to all family members. Payment for this event MUST be received by our troop meeting on March 4th. If you are interested in attending both the Monsters game on April 4th and the Cavaliers game you can purchase both tickets and receive a discount. See flyer for details.

Registration Fees - It is that time of year again when the troop recharters. Each scout will need to renew their membership for the coming year. Registration fees will be the same as last year, $25. If your family has more the one scout in the troop, the first is $25 and all others are $13. Fees are due on or before our troop meeting on March 18th. It is important that our rechartering not be delayed, please pay these fees on time.

CPR Training - Mrs. Deran will be conducting Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation training for troop members on March 25th at 7pm in the Upper Old Church. By attending this training you will be able to complete requirement 8d for First Class and complete the CPR requirement of merit badges such as First Aid, Swimming, Canoeing, Rowing, Small Boat Sailing, Whitewater, and Water Sports. This training is highly recommended for all scouts preparing to take any of these merit badges at summer camp.

Klondike Derby - The trip plan and schedule for the Klondike Derby to be held at Beaumont Scout Reservation January 18-20, has been posted. Be sure to look over the event descriptions so you will be prepared to compete against other patrols from the district. This is a cabin campout, but dress warm and bring extra clothing since the majority of Saturday is spent outdoors. Fee and permission slip are due at our troop meeting on January 8th. Please have everything ready to turn in because our registration and fees are due on January 10th.

Eagle Court of Honor - please join Steven and his family on January 20th at St. Michael Church Bishop Rappe Hall, as we both recognize and celebrate Troop 810's newest Eagle Scout. All scouts and guests are asked to arrive by 4:30pm, the ceremony will begin promptly at 4:45pm. Contact Mr./Mrs. Mayher if you need additional information.

Troop Handbook - During the troop committee meeting on May 29, 2007 the committee began work on a Troop Handbook. Topics to be included in the handbook were discussed and plans made to approve each entry as they are completed. "Items Not Permitted During Outings" is the first entry to be approved by the troop committee. We felt it was important to get this out before summer camp. The troop handbook will be located on the web site as a link on the Resources page.

Christmas Party - the troop will be getting together for its annual holiday party on December 14th from 7:00pm to 10:30pm in the Fellowship Room at the Family Center. We will be accepting money for charity and having a gift exchange. The PLC has decided that the charity will be the World Friendship Fund, BSA. This charity provides funds to help scouting organizations in developing nations. The amount you donate is up to you.

Each scout is asked to bring a $5-$10 gift for the gift exchange. The gift should be something you would not mind getting yourself. No Gag Gifts! Entertainment will be board and video games. Bring along your favorite board and/or video game to challenge your friends.

Patrol Assignments:
Bonfire Bisons - Chips & Pretzels
Raging Rams - Bakery
Penguins - Pop (2 liter)
Screaming Eagles - Sweets
Crows - Any of the Above
Troop will provide Pizza and Wings

Troop Leadership Training - The troop will be conducting Troop Leadership Training on December 8th from 9am to 1pm in the Lower Rectory Hall. This is a great opportunity for all scouts to learn more about the troop, leadership positions, and leadership techniques. Food and fun provided without charge.

Court of Honor - November 20th, 2007 at 7:00pm all scouts and their families should plan on being in attendance to be recognized and receive advancement awards. This event will be held at our normal meeting location in the upper old church. Patrol food and drink assignments are as follows...

  • Crows - Pizza
  • Screaming Eagles - Baked Goods
  • Penguins - Pop
  • Raging Rams - Veggies/Fruit
  • Bonfire Bisons - Chips/Pretzels

Yard Charge and Monsters Game, November 10th - Be sure to view all the information on the trip plan for Yard Charge and the Monsters Game. It is strongly recommended that every troop member participate in Yard Charge on Nov. 10th.  Even if you only have time to help with one yard you should be there.  We will pass out adult leaders cell phone numbers if you can't join us right at the start.  Adult volunteers are needed to help with transportation.  Sign up is at our troop meeting on Nov. 6th.  If you are not going you need to let Mr. Makowski know why.  It is time for all of us to give something back to the community.

Troop Meeting, Nov. 6th - Weather permitting the majority of the meeting will be outside in the area to the left of the Family Center.  We will start the meeting in the Old Church and the troop room will be open to obtain your patrol boxes, stoves, and lanterns.  Back up plan will be to use the old church. The Crows, Screaming Eagles, and Penguins will be having a cooking competition. The Raging Rams will go through a brief instruction period and then become the judges for the food competition.  Several Webelos are coming to visit so bring a little extra food to let them sample your cooking prowess.  The Bonfire Bisons will be cooking foil dinners over an open fire to satisfy their Second Class cooking requirement.  Any of the Raging Rams that still need 2nd Class requirement 2g are welcome to join in.

Bonfire Bisons and Any Raging Rams Needing Requirement

  1. Each of you will be starting a small cooking fire.  We have some wood, but you will need to bring matches, tinder, kindling, and a small amount of fuel wood for your fires.  The dry stuff works the best.  ;)
  2. Foil Dinners - You are to prepare the uncooked ingredients before you arrive.
    - Wrap ingredients in heavy duty foil or double wrap with regular aluminum foil
    - 1/4lb. Hamburger or Frozen Hamburger Patty
    - Thinly sliced potatoes
    - Sliced carrots or baby carrots
    - Sliced or Chopped onion
    - Salt and Pepper to taste
    - Tablespoon of butter or margerine
  3. Wrap your meal loosely in the foil so we can take a look at it before cooking and add a little water.  We'll wrap it tightly before cooking.

Leadership Positions - Troop elections were just held at the last meeting, but nobody signed up for troop positions after the meeting. Contact Steven, your newly elected SPL, as soon as possible if you are interested in signing up for a position. The positions need to be decided upon before next Court of Honor. The troop leadership positions are:

  • Scribe
  • Quartermaster
  • Historian
  • Librarian
  • Troop Guide
  • Chaplain Aide
  • Bugler
  • OA Representative
  • Instructor

Rigatoni Dinner, November 1st - The Rigatoni Dinner is fast approaching.  If you still haven't signed up for a time slot to work please contact Mrs. Verhovnik or Mrs. Soroczak.  Just a reminder, we are asking each family to bake one sheet cake and batch of cupcakes or brownies for the dessert table.  All scouts are to wear their Class A uniform including neckerchief and slide.

Yard Charge and Monsters Game, November 10th - Be sure to view all the information on the trip plan for Yard Charge and the Monsters Game. Both the game and yard charge are open to all family members that want to join in. We need to turn in our ticket order for the game very soon. As put out at our last troop meeting the $20 fee will be collected on October 2nd. There is no cost to be a part of Yard Charge and we encourage parents to spend the morning doing a good turn in the community with their sons.

Rigatoni Dinner, November 1st - The dinner is our main fund raiser for the year. All members of the troop and parents are required to participate. Along with working at the event each scout must sell at least 20 tickets (12 adult, 8 senior or child). Scouts not selling their quota will be required to pay dues of $100 (dues will be adjusted for partial sales). Gift certificates to the Scout Shop will be given to the top three sellers: 1st - $25, 2nd - $15, and 3rd - $10. Tickets prices are the same as last year $6.50 for Adult, $5.00 for Senior or Child. Contact Mrs. Verhovnik if you have not already picked up your tickets.

Backpacking, October 13-14 - The trip plan for our upcoming backpacking trip at Hinckley has been posted. Please review all the details and plan on attending a shakedown night on October 11th if you plan on coming. The $15 fee is due at our troop meeting on October 2nd.

A Time for Peace - For all those interested there will be a prayer service at Assumption Church for World Peace on October 4th at 7:00pm.

Camporee - The Cuyahoga Valley District Camporee will be held September 14-15 at Brecksville Reservation. The trip plan contains complete information about the event. If you plan to attend the event, a fee of $20 and your permission slip is due at the next troop meeting on Sep. 4th.

Jubilee Mass - Assumption Church is celebrating 150 years as a parish. The troop has been asked to participate in the Jubilee Mass on September 8th at 4pm. We are asking that each patrol have at least one scout attend in uniform. We will meet before mass and sit as a group.

Summer Camp II - Our second summer camp this year is at Manatoc Scout Reservation, July 22-28, 2007. The trip plan has been posted. Information on the summer camp program is available at the Manatoc Summer Camp website. Final payment will be due at our troop meeting on May 15. Total cost for the week is $200. A late fee of $10 will be assessed after May 15. Contact Mr. Mayher with any questions about summer camp at Manatoc.

Joey's Eagle Service Project - Attention Troop 810! Need Service Hours? Just want to help out a fellow scout? The bridge building project continues on Sunday July 22nd from 10:00am - 4:00pm. The project is located in Cleveland Metroparks Mill Stream Run Reservation near Royalview Picnic Area. Drive West on Valley Parkway crossing W. 130th St. to Royalview Lane. Turn Left (South) on Royalview Lane. There is a small parking lot on the left (East) side of the road soon after entering Royalview Lane. The trail head to the bridge project is next to this parking lot. Follow the trail bearing left. It is about a 5 minute walk from the parking lot. Contact Joey P. if you can lend a hand or for additional information.

Bike Hike - Be sure to include the Bike Hike on Saturday, June 9th at 10am in your schedule. This is a great opportunity to have fun and earn a 2nd Class hiking requirement at the same time. The hike will start at Station Road Bridge in Brecksville Reservation and follow the Canal Tow Path to the Winking Lizard in Peninsula, OH. During the trip we will cover map and compass reading. After lunch at the Winking Lizard we will make the return trip. The trip plan has been posted.

Beaumont Merit Badge Sign-Up - information about merit badges being offered at Beaumont has been posted. If you are going to Beaumont now is the time to review the list of prerequisites and recommendations and determine what merit badges you will be taking at camp. Please use the form to sign up by Tuesday, June 5th.

Medical Forms - It is important each camper is physically capable of taking part in the activities planned. As a precaution to ensure that we are aware of any limitations, each camper must provide medical information, including a current health history. For all Scouts and adults who have not turned age 40, the Class 1 & 2 Personal Health and Medical Record (BSA form # 34414) is required. Adults age 40 and over must have a Class 3 Personal Health and Medical Record (BSA form # 34412). All forms must have a parent/guardian signature dated within one year. The medical examination on Class 1 & 2 forms is good for three years. Examinations on Class 3 forms must be within the last 12 months. All scouts and adults attending Tinnerman must have a Class 3 Personal Health and Medical Record to participate.

Please turn in all Medical forms as soon as they are completed. Completed forms are due by June 5th. Do not wait to the last minute!

Parent/Troop Committee Meeting - In support of mission week at Assumption we have had to make a change to our meeting scheduled for May 22nd. The new meeting date is May 29th at 7pm in the Old Church. The first part of the meeting will be for new parents and those interested in learning more about this year's summer camp opportunities. Please bring any questions you may have about camp. The second part will be a Troop Committee Meeting.

Summer Camp I - Summer will soon be here and our first summer camp is at Beaumont Scout Reservation, June 24-30, 2007. Information about merit badges and other activities at the camp will be posted soon. In the meantime you can read through the Beaumont Leader's Guide to get an idea of what to expect. Most scouts have turned in their first two payments for the event. Final payment will be due at our troop meeting on April 17. Total cost for the week is $180. A late fee of $20 will be assessed after April 17. Contact Mr. Dzurnak with any questions about summer camp at Beaumont.

Tinnerman Training - training for scouts going to Tinnerman is tentatively scheduled for after the Memorial Day Parade. Mr. Makowski would like to discuss this with the crew for a few minutes after the Court of Honor.

Tinnerman 2007 - Our High Adventure trip to Tinnerman Canoe Base is scheduled for June 24-30, 2007. We still have one opening in our crew! For information about Tinnerman check out the Tinnerman Leader's Guide. We will have a short meeting to discuss preparing for Tinnerman in the near future. Stay tuned... If you have any specific questions contact the crew advisor, Mr. Makowski.

Memorial Day Parade - May 28th, 2007 - Scouts will meet at 8:00am at the Old Church. Wear your complete class A uniform. You may wear scout shorts and socks if the weather is nice. Parade starts at 9:00am followed by a Memorial Service. Parade leaves from Town Centre Drive and Broadview Road, just South of Route 82. The Recreation Center will be free of charge to all residents and refreshments will be served immediately following the Memorial Service.

Flag Ceremony Practice - Scouts participating in the Memorial Day Flag Service should meet on May 26th at 11:30am in front of Broadview Center. First Year Scouts, this is an excellent opportunity to earn one of your Tenderfoot requirements.

Scout Sunday - Troop 810 along with other scouting organizations at Assumption Parish participate in the 9:00am liturgy every third Sunday of the month during the school year. Show your Scout Spirit by attending this mass in uniform. Next mass is scheduled for May 20th.

Court of Honor - May 15th, 2007 at 7:00pm all scouts and their families should plan on being in attendance to be recognized and receive advancement awards. This event will be held at our normal meeting location in the upper old church. Patrol food and drink assignments are as follows...

  • Crows - Pizza
  • Screaming Eagles - Snack Items
  • Penguins - Baked Goods
  • Raging Rams - Pop
  • Bonfire Bisons - Baked Goods

Scouting 360 - During the weekend of May 4th - 6th, the Greater Cleveland Council is having a council wide encampment at the Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds in Berea. Troops from all over the council will be in attendance. Events like these don't happen very often and you should not miss out. There are so many activities and things to do that you really need to go to the Scouting 360 website to get an idea of the size and scope of this event. The fee for this event is $25 and due at our Troop meeting on April 3rd. This covers camping and activity fees, entertainment, and all meals except Lunch on Saturday.

Ryan's Eagle Service Project - Attention Troop 810! Need Service Hours? Want a free Lunch? Saturday March 31st from 11:00 am-3:00 pm, we will meet at the Byzantine Monastery to work on Ryan's Eagle Scout Project. During that time we will be moving dirt, planting grass seed and repairing pathways at the camping cabin. Contact Ryan if you can lend a hand or for additional information.

Eagle Court of Honor - please join Matthew and his family on April 1st at St. Michael Church Bishop Rappe Hall, as we both recognize and celebrate Troop 810's newest Eagle Scout. Troop members should arrive between 4:00pm and 4:30pm to help setup. The ceremony will begin at 4:45pm. Contact Mrs. Mayher if you need any additional information.

Steven's Eagle Service Project - During the week of April 9-13, 2007, Steven M. is conducting his Eagle Service Project at a home located behind St. Michael's Church and School. The address is 6581 Second Avenue, Independence, Ohio 44131. This home is owned by St. Michael Church and rented out as temporary housing for people in need. Steven's project involves Landscaping around the home such as, removing overgrown plants, building flowerbeds, cleaning debris and planting. A flyer was handed out during the last scout meeting. Contact Steven if you can lend a helping hand or for additional information.

April Outing - the trip plan and weekend schedule have been posted for our April outing at the Byzantine Monastery on April 13-15, 2007. The $10 fee and permission slip for this event are due at our Troop meeting on April 3rd.

Troop Elections - On April 17th we will hold troop elections for SPL and PLs. Be sure to attend and put in your vote for who will lead your troop and patrols for the next six months. The newly elected youth leaders take over after the Court of Honor on May 15th.

OA Spring Fellowship - All Order of the Arrow members and Ordeal candidates are welcome to attend the Spring Fellowship scheduled for April 20-22. This is the first opportunity for Ordeal Candidates to complete their Ordeal. Members eligible for Brotherhood can also complete the requirements necessary to seal their membership in the lodge. Please join other members of the troop and lodge for a weekend of fun and fellowship. Contact the Troop OA Representative if you need more information or are interested in sharing a ride out to camp.

Manatoc and Indoor Rock Climbing - The trip plan for our cabin camping trip at Camp Manatoc and rock climbing at the Cleveland Rock Gym has been posted. The fee for this event is $15 for food and lodging + $18 for rock climbing = $33 total cost. A waiver and permission slip are required for any scout wishing to attend. Please view the trip plan for complete details.

Parents Meeting - A Troop 810 Parent Meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 30, 2007 in the lower old church hall from 7:15pm-8:45pm. Invitations were handed out to the Scouts in attendance at the troop meeting. There are many topics that need discussion and input and we would like one family member of each Scout to attend. Please RSVP your attendance to Mrs. Verhovnik.

Klondike Derby - In preparation for the Klondike Derby we will be holding a skills review for all participants on Saturday, January 13th from 1:00-3:00pm in the Upper Old Church. At that time we will get the required equipment ready and review all the events. The Derby itself will be held on Saturday, January 20th. Please look over the trip plan for details about this activity as well as information on the competitions.

Ski Trip - There was not enough interest in the trip to Peek'n Peak. As a backup plan we decided to make a day trip to Brandywine and Boston Mills on February 16th, 2007. All Families are invited to attend. This is a Scout Weekend at Brandywine and Boston Mills with a discounted rate. Coupons for the discounted rate must be purchased ahead of time. They cost only $1.00 and the fee will be collected at our troop meeting on January 23rd. The coupons will be distributed as soon as they arrive. See flyer for complete details and sign up form.

Merit Badge Midway - The Cuyahoga Valley District will be holding a Merit Badge Midway on February 3rd, 2007 from 10am to 3pm at St. Barnabas School Cafeteria. St. Barnabas is located at 9200 Olde Eight Rd, Northfield Center, OH 44067. Scouts are encouraged to attend as a patrol or with a buddy. See the flyer for additional details.

Blue & Gold Banquet - Cub Scout Pack 810 will be having their Blue & Gold Banquet on January 21st immediately following scout mass. During the banquet the Webelos II den will be crossing over to our troop. We need a group of scouts to conduct the crossover ceremony and welcome our new troop members. Please contact Mr. Makowski if you can attend.

Christmas Party - the troop will be getting together for its annual Christmas Party on Friday, December 15th beginning at 6:00pm in the Lower Old Church Hall. A gift exchange will be held at 7:00pm. Each scout should bring a gift valued between $4.00 and $5.00. Do not bring anything that you would not want to get yourself. There will be a Risk Tournament and possibly some video games. The troop will purchase pizza for the evening. Patrol food assignments are as follows:

  • Crows - Snacks, Chips, Pretzels, etc.
  • Penguins - Pop (2 liter)
  • Raging Rams - Pop (2 liter)
  • Screaming Eagles - Cookies

Troop Leadership Training - originally scheduled for December 2nd, this activity will be rescheduled for a later date, most likely in the Spring.

Advancement Workshop - during our last PLC meeting there was some discussion about holding an Advancement Workshop in the month of December. This was scheduled to take the place of Troop Leadership Training, but we had trouble securing a place to meet for that date. It is the first time we are trying something like this and some additional planning must take place to make it a success. Information on the new date will be communicated as soon as arrangements have been made.

Troop Equipment - There are several pieces of troop equipment that have not been returned to the troop room. It is every members responsibility to return gear at the first troop meeting after a campout. Return this gear immediately!

  • 3 Blue Tarps/Ground Cloths
  • Green Bear Bag

Court of Honor - November 21st, 2006 at 7:00pm all scouts and their families should plan on being in attendance to be recognized and receive advancement awards. This event will be held at our normal meeting location in the upper old church.

Yard Charge and Hemlock Creek - As a service to the community we will be raking yards during the 4th annual council wide Yard Charge event. After lunch we will head out to Hemlock Creek picnic area in Bedford Reservation for an evening of fun and camping. To file tour permits and get yard assignments we must know if you will be attending either or both events by October 17th. Lunch for Yard Charge will be at a local restaurant and paid for out of pocket. The cost for Hemlock Creek is set at $10 and due on October 17th. Further details can be found on the trip plan.

Rigatoni Dinner, November 1st - The dinner is our main fund raiser for the year. All members of the troop and parents are required to participate. Along with working at the event each scout must sell at least 20 tickets. Gift certificates to the Scout Shop will be given to the top three sellers: 1st - $25, 2nd - $15, and 3rd - $10. Proceeds from ticket sales and any unsold tickets are due at the October 17th troop meeting. If you need more tickets or have tickets you know you won't sell please contact Mrs. Verhovnik or Mrs. Soroczak. Please do your part to make this year's dinner a success.

Trails End Popcorn - all scouts have the opportunity to sell popcorn and put the earnings directly into your scout account. The funds can be used for camping fees, equipment, and purchases made at the scout shop. Contact Mrs. Bertram to obtain supplies and get more information.

OA Fall Fellowship - Order of the Arrow members, don't forget to make Fall Fellowship part of your plans on the weekend of October 27-29, 2006. At Fall Fellowship the lodge gathers to elect new officers for the coming year. This is a good chance to have fun and learn more about the lodge. Those Ordeal members that are eligible can also complete their Brotherhood at the event. Contact your OA Troop Representative for more details and to coordinate transportation.

Byzantine Monastery - the troop will be camping at the Byzantine Monastery October 20-22, 2006. All the details have been posted on the trip plan. An invitation to join us on Saturday and Sunday has been extended to the 2nd year Webelos of Pack 810. A fee of $10 is due at the troop meeting on October 17th. Please turn in your fees so we can get an accurate count for transportation and meal planning.

Troop Elections - On October 17th we will hold troop elections for SPL and PLs. Be sure to attend and put in your vote for who will lead your troop and patrols for the next six months.

Eagle Court of Honor - please join David and his family on October 15th at the North Royalton Public Library, as we both recognize and celebrate Troop 810's newest Eagle Scout. Troop members should arrive at 1:00pm to help setup. The ceremony will begin at 1:30pm. Contact Mrs. Hu if you need any additional information.

Camporee - The Cuyahoga Valley District Camporee - "Pitch in for Scouting" - is set for September 22-24, 2006. Basic information about the Camporee is now available on the website. Specific details for the outing will be posted soon. A packet containing information on all events was distributed to each patrol leader.

High Adventure 2007 - An information sheet on Philmont and Tinnerman was passed out during the troop meeting on September 5th. If you are interested in attending Philmont or Tinnerman in 2007 and meet the below age requirement please read this document thoroughly.

Requirement: 2007 high adventure participants must be at least 14 by January 1, 2007, or have completed the eighth grade and be at least 13 years of age prior to participation. The requirements are national BSA standards and cannot be waived.

Remember, spots fill up quickly and you will need to make your decision and turn in your initial deposit promptly.

Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge: Counselor Mrs. Mayher - Troop 810 leadership is coordinating activities that qualify for the requirements of Citizenship in the Community merit badge. Most Scouts within our troop need this Eagle-required merit badge. The following are details for some of the requirements:

Requirement 7 has the Scout finding out about a charitable organization outside of Scouting that brings people in the community together to work for the good of the community. The scout needs to find out about the organization and then volunteer at least 8 hours of time working to help the organization.

By volunteering your time of at least 8 hours beginning Wednesday, August 9th through Sunday, August 13th, you will be able to complete this requirement. Details are being worked out to have someone who knows the history of Assumption Church to speak about it at a troop meeting in September to finish up Requirement 7.

Requirement 5 has the Scout watching a movie that shows how the actions of an individual or group of individuals can have a positive effect on a community.

Arrangements will be made to watch a movie that qualifies for this requirement at a troop meeting, most likely in September.

Requirement 3 has the Scout attending one of several “community” meetings. He will need to listen to the issues discussed where a difference of opinions was expressed and then explain to his counselor why he agrees with one opinion more than another one.

Arrangements have been made for those Scouts working on this merit badge to attend Assumption’s Parish Council Meeting on Thursday, September 21st, at 7:00 PM in the Church Rectory.

It is hoped that most Scouts within Troop 810 will take advantage of these opportunities to work on this Eagle-required merit badge. Focus on the other requirements will take place at a later date!

Parish Festival - our schedule for assisting with the Assumption Parish Festival has been posted. Please review the schedule and volunteer to support our charter organization. Contact the SPL for volunteer opportunities and times.

Tinnerman - Crew members, please review the final details for our trip to Tinnerman. Information on the page includes...

  • Pre-Trek Shakedown and Gear Issue - July 19th, 7:00pm
  • Medical Issurance Cards
  • Photo ID or Passport
  • Clothing for the Trip
  • Charter Bus Travel to Tinnerman
  • Money
  • Crew Hats

Most of this was mailed to your homes on July 11th. There is one correction and one addition to the mailing. We will not return to the B.R.T. service garage until the evening of Sunday, July 30th, not Saturday, July 29th as stated in the mailing. Crew hats have been ordered and should be here soon. Total cost per person including shipping came to $19.00. Please pay this at the troop meeting on July 18th or during the shakedown on July 19th. Hats will be given out at the shakedown.

Camp Manatoc - Bonus Summer Camp - Didn't make Camp Friedlander or want to finish up partials and work on more merit badges this summer? Join the troop at Camp Manatoc for our second summer camp in 2006. Cost of the outing is $200 and is due at the July 11th troop meeting. A late fee of $20 will be assessed after this date. See the trip plan for more details and links to information about Camp Manatoc's summer program. Mr. Mayher is the camp coordinator for this outing.

Next Troop Meeting - since Independence Day falls on our normal troop meeting night the July 4th meeting has been rescheduled for July 11th.

Summer Camp II at Camp Manatoc - the troop is offering a second summer camp, July 23-29, for those that are not able to attend Camp Friedlander or just want to enjoy another week. The coordinator for this outing is Mr. Mayher. More information can be found by following the Manatoc Programs link on the Camp Manatoc web page.

Uniform Requirements - a tradition was started four years ago where each scout would own and wear scout uniform shorts at summer camp. This makes the troop look very sharp when we take pictures and at formations during the week. Here are a few sources on where to find scout shorts without paying the full price at the scout shop - Older scouts who have outgrown their old shorts, thrift shops, and eBay.

Medical Forms - It is important each camper is physically capable of taking part in the activities planned. As a precaution to ensure that we are aware of any limitations, each camper must provide medical information, including a current health history, upon arrival at camp. For all Scouts and adults who have not turned age 40, the Class 1 & 2 Personal Health and Medical Record (BSA form # 34414) is required. All campers registering for Powderhorn and adults age 40 and over must have a Class 3 Personal Health and Medical Record (BSA form # 34412). All forms must have a parent/guardian signature dated within one year. The medical examination on Class 1 & 2 forms is good for three years. Examinations on Class 3 forms must be within the last 12 months.

Please turn in all Medical forms as soon as they are completed. For those going to summer camp forms are due by June 13th. Do not wait to the last minute!

Summer Camp 2006 - The final balance of $75 for Camp Friedlander is due on 5/16/06. The Powderhorn High Adventure and C.O.P.E. (Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience) programs for older scouts (13yrs and older) require an additional fee of $25 for each program. Any scout that has not paid their camp fees by May 16th will incur a $25 penalty charged by the Dan Beard Council.

Specific information about Camp Friedlander has now been posted, including a Merit Badge and Activity Sign-up page. There is a great deal of information about summer camp on both of these pages. Please take the time to read them. All scouts going to Camp Friedlander need to sign-up for merit badges and activities by our troop meeting on June 6th.

Parents met to discuss transportation options after the troop meeting on May 2nd. All present were in favor of using the Brecksville Road Transit Charter Bus service for our trip to camp. Analysis of costs for the Charter Bus versus reimbursing drivers from the troop turned out just about even. Each participant will need to add $60 to cover the cost of transportation. Transportation fee will be due at our troop meeting on June 6th.

OA June Ordeal - Order of the Arrow members and Ordeal Candidates will be coming together the weekend of June 9-11 for fun, fellowship, and service to our camp. Anyone desiring more information should contact the Troop OA Representative.

Troop T-Shirts - for those new to the troop we will be issueing you a red Troop 810 T-shirt as soon as we get sizing information from all troop members. Those of you with T-shirts should see if you need a larger size. T-shirts that don't fit can be traded in for a larger size. If you lost your T-shirt you will need to purchase a new one at cost. Please contact Mrs. Mayher and/or Mrs. Verhovnik by May 16th with your size so we can order T-shirts if necessary. We are looking into getting a second set of T-shirts for the troop and would like everyone to submit their T-shirt size even if the old one still fits.

Tinnerman Pre-Trek Training - will be conducted at Beaumont Scout Reservation, Rock Creek, Ohio on Saturday, June 3, 2006. There is a program fee of $12.00 per person which includes lunch and training materials. All crew members should attend this training. We will depart from the Old Church at 8:00am and return at approximately 4:00pm. Fee is due on or before May 29th. CANCELLED!

Memorial Day Flag Practice - in preparation for raising the flag after the Memorial Day Parade we need to get together and practice beforehand.  An informal meeting (uniform not required) has been scheduled for 7:00pm on May 23rd in front of Broadview Center.  It is important for members that have not been to the parade and flag raising to attend.

Informal Meeting (uniform not required) - Tuesday, May 30th begining at 6:30pm in the Old Church.  This meeting has three purposes: check tents from last campout, check-in ground cloths from last campout, and review Camp Friedlander merit badges and activities.  You do not have to attend if you do not fall into one of these categories.

  • 6:30pm - all scouts with troop tents arrive and go through tent check.
  • 7:00pm - all scouts with ground cloths arrive for checking ground cloths.
  • 7:30pm - all scouts going to Friedlander arrive to review merit badges and activities.

We had a very wet and muddy camping experience last time out.  The tents need to be clean and dry before storage.  All equipment will be checked upon return.  Scouts will be held responsible for missing tent stakes.

Memorial Day Parade - May 29th, 2006 - Scouts will meet at 10:00am at the Old Church. Wear your complete class A uniform. You may wear scout shorts and socks if the weather is nice. Parade starts at 11:00am followed by a Memorial Service. Parade leaves from Town Centre Drive and Broadview Road, just South of Route 82. The Recreation Center will be free of charge to all residents and refreshments will be served immediately following the Memorial Service.

Scout Mass Reminder - Our scout mass is held every third Sunday at the 9:00am liturgy during the school year. Show your scout spirit and attend mass with other members of the troop.

Court of Honor - May 16th, 2006 at 7:00pm all scouts and their families should plan on being in attendance to be recognized and receive advancement awards. This event will be held at our normal meeting location in the upper old church.

Byzantine Monastery - due to some planning issues, the Greater Cleveland Council decided to cancel the Camporall scheduled for May. As a replacement outing we will be heading to one of our favorite camping areas, the Byzantine Monastery. The trip plan with complete details has been posted.

Tinnerman 2006 - The final balance of payment for Tinnerman is due by 4/30/06. Please pay your fee on or before this date. Late payment will result in a penalty being charged by the Greater Cleveland Council. There is a lot of information to be put out about this High Adventure activity. A date to discuss Tinnerman with both participants and parents will be set in the near future. For now, feel free to look over the Tinnerman Leaders Guide and Tinnerman Information at the Greater Cleveland Council website.

Bradley Woods Reservation - adult leadership have changed the location of the April 28-30, campout from Muskingum Valley Scout Reservation to Cleveland Metroparks - Bradley Woods Reservation. Bradley Woods covers parts of North Olmsted and Westlake, OH. There is a small lake for fishing and a nice camping area. The trip plan with complete details has been posted. Scouts desiring to go on this campout should have their fee of $15 turned in at the troop meeting on April 18th.

OA Spring Fellowship - All Order of the Arrow members and Ordeal candidates are welcome to attend the Spring Fellowship scheduled for April 21-23. This is the first opportunity for Ordeal Candidates to complete their Ordeal. Members eligible for Brotherhood can also complete the requirements necessary to seal their membership in the lodge. Please join other members of the troop and lodge for a weekend of fun and fellowship.

Religious Emblems Court of Honor - five scouts from troop 810 will be presented with their Ad Altare Dei and/or Pope Pius XII religious emblems at the Diocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting Court of Honor on April 23rd. The troop will also be honored with the Pope Paul VI National Unit Recognition. The prayer service and ceremony begin at 3:00pm. Please join us in celebrating these accomplishments at St. John the Evangelist Cathedral located at the corner of East 9th Street and Superior Avenue in Cleveland.

Summer Camp 2006 - Reservations for Camp Friedlander have been confirmed for June 25th - July 1st, 2006. Camp Friedlander is located Northeast of Cincinnati in Loveland, OH. This camp offers programs for both new and experienced scouts. More details will be posted in the coming months.

The initial payment for summer camp of $50 will be due at our troop meeting on February 21st.

Tinnerman 2006 - By now all troop members signed up for Tinnerman should have received a payment schedule. If you have not please contact Mrs. Cree. If would like to go to Tinnerman and did not sign up, please contact Mr. Makowski. If enough scouts show interest we will form a second crew.

Beaumont - the trip plan for our March 24-26, outing at Beaumont Scout Reservation has been posted. This outing is open to all scouts. For those wanting to attend, a fee of $15 is due at the March 21st troop meeting.

Assumption Fish Fries - As a service to our charter organization each patrol will work at the Fish Fry at least one Friday during Lent. Your work assignment will be based on where you are most needed. In the past scouts have worked busing tables, or helping in the kitchen. Uniform for working is Troop T-shirt or Scout Shirt. The schedule is as follows:

  • March 17th - Raging Rams
  • March 24th - Screaming Eagles
  • March 31st - Penguins
  • April 7th - Crows

February Newsletter - a troop newsletter was mailed to each household at the beginning of February. The dates for Summer Camp were incorrect in the newsletter. It should have read June 25th - July 1st just like the website.

Winter Camping - the trip plan for our February outing has been posted. Payment of $15 is due at our troop meeting on February 21st.

Whirley Ball - Order of the Arrow members, Cuyahoga Lodge will be hosting a winter social activity at Whirly Ball of Cleveland on February 4th, 2006 from 7 - 9pm. Cost is $15 per person payable at the door. For more information or to arrange transportation contact our Troop OA Representative, Matt M.

Klondike Derby - The trip plan for our next event has been posted. The Cuyahoga Valley District Klondike Derby will be held at Longwood Park in Macedonia on January 28, 2006. Patrols should look over the Derby Events to be prepared for the interpatrol competition.

Blue & Gold Banquet - Cub Scout Pack 810 will be having their Blue & Gold Banquet on January 15th immediately following scout mass. Scouts wanting to attend the crossover ceremony need to inform their patrol leaders. There is a $2.00 per person fee to cover the cost of brunch. The fee can be paid at the door.

Christmas Party - The troop Christmas Party will be held on December 16th from 6:00pm to ?? in the Lower Old Church. Each scout should bring two gifts (one gag gift and one nice gift) less than $5.00 each for the Christmas Craps gift exchange. For drinks and snacks each patrol has been assigned a different food item. Crows: Softdrinks and other Beverages, Firebreathing Dragons: Appetizers, Screaming Eagles: Snack or Dessert. Entertainment will include board and video games and possibly a Risk tournament.

Troop Junior Leader Training - the troop will be holding troop junior leader training for all members of the Patrol Leaders Council and any members with leadership positions on December 2-3, 2005 at the Byzantine Monastery. See the trip plan for more information.

Tinnerman - the troop plans to send at least one crew to Tinnerman in July 2006. A crew consists of 6 scouts and 2 adults or 5 scouts and 3 adults. Tinnerman is a high adventure base owned by the Greater Cleveland Council located on the French River in Northern Ontario, Canada. During a trek you will explore the Canadian wilderness by canoe over a period of one week. This is a unique experience and well worth the trip. The fee for this adventure is $500 per person and must be paid with installments of $100 over a period of time. To help with costs those going can participate in a Poinsettia sale before Christmas.

You must be 13 years old and at least First Class by January 1st of 2006 to attend. Adult leadership has decided to start by giving scouts Life rank or higher the first option to attend. They have until October 31st to make their intentions known by paying a $100 non-refundable deposit (fee can be transfered to another scout). We will then open registration to scouts that are Star rank or higher until November 15th and follow up with First Class scouts. Those that sign up will be given a payment schedule. If there is enough demand we will try to form a second crew. You are encouraged to sign up as soon as possible.

Eagle Service Project - David H. has started his Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project and is requesting assistance from troop members. His project is to make 300 personal care packets to be given to needy families in time for Christmas. Each packet contains shampoo, soap, deordorant, lotion, toothpaste, toothbrush, and comb. During this project he is working with the North Royalton Kiwanis Food Bank sponsored by the North Royalton Office of Aging and Human Services. He will need help from the troop in both manpower and donations. We will be manning a collection point at the Giant Eagle by Rt. 82 and State Rd. on November 6, 12, 13, and 19 from 11am to 3pm. If you have items or money to donate you can bring them to a troop meeting or collection point. Once items are collected we will gather to assemble the packets. Please lend David your support by spending an hour or two at Giant Eagle during collection times and donating items on the list.

Yard Charge and Campout - On November 5th the troop will be participating in Yard Charge. This is an annual Good Turn performed by Cub Scout, Boy Scout, and Venture Crews for the elderly and infirm citizens of Cleveland. Immediately following Yard Charge we will be heading out to the Byzantine Monastery for an afternoon of fun and overnight camping. See trip plan for details.

Rigatoni Dinner, November 2nd - The dinner is our main fund raiser for the year. All members of the troop and parents are required to participate. Along with working at the event each scout must sell at least 10 tickets. Gift certificates to the Scout Shop will be given to the top three sellers: 1st - $25, 2nd - $15, and 3rd - $10. The tickets will be distributed to each scout when they become available.

Rigatoni Dinner Tickets - proceeds from ticket sales and any unsold tickets are due at the October 18th troop meeting. If you need more tickets or have tickets you know you won't sell please contact Mrs. Kubera. Please do your part to make this year's dinner a success.

Troop Elections - On October 18th we will hold troop elections for SPL and PLs. Be sure to attend and put in your vote for who will lead your troop and patrols for the next six months.

Backpacking Trip - The troop has a backpacking trip scheduled for the weekend of October 7-9. The trip plan for the event has been posted. We intend to backpack through Cleveland Metroparks Brecksville Reservation and camp at a private campsite off of Snowville Rd. If you are planning to go you must attend the Shakedown meeting on October 7th at 7:00pm in the Upper Old Church. Be aware that Backpacking is a physically demanding activity that requires planning and special equipment.

Fall Camporee - We will be attending the Pioneer District Camporee on the weekend of September 30-October 2. A trip plan has be posted with information about the event. The $15 fee for this event is due at the troop meeting on September 20th.

Chariot Building - There will be a special meeting on Monday, September 19th at 7:00pm in the Upper Old Church. We will build simple chariots to be used for the chariot races during Camporee. Each patrol should send 2-3 members to this meeting.

Return to Class "A" Uniform - With the start of the school year we are returning to Class "A" uniforms at troop meetings. Troop members should now wear their uniform shirt, pants, belt, neckerchief, and neckerchief slide to meetings.

Kelly's Island - the trip to Kelly's Island has been cancelled. The troop has been very busy with activities this summer and the leadership felt it was time for a break. Next outing will be in September.

Orienteering - the NorthEastern Ohio Orienteering Club will be having an Orienteering for Beginners event at Brecksville Metropark on Sunday August 14th at 12:00pm. If you need First Class requirement 2 or just want to learn more about Orienteering this is the place to be. This is not a formal troop event so please arrange for your own transportation.

Parish Festival - the annual parish festival will be held on August 13-14, 2005. The troop will be camping on the parish grounds August 12-14 and helping out with the festival. See weekend schedule for more information.

Festival Preparation - in addition to working at the festival we have been requested to provide help with setting up. On Wednesday, August 10th and Thursday, August 11th anyone that is able to help should arrive at Assumption at 6:00pm. This normally involves moving items and putting up booths. In the past we have spent 2-3 hours per night. It is up to you how long you can stay.

Canoeing and Rafting Trip - The trip plan for the upcoming canoeing and rafting trip on July 21-22 has been posted. Follow the link for complete details.

Summer Camp - Summer camp will be here before you know it and there are plenty of things to consider between now and then. Our week at Muskingum Valley Scout Reservation is schedule for June 26th to July 2nd, 2005.

  • A fee of $150 per scout is due on May 3rd (first troop meeting in May). A fee of $160 will be charged if turned in after this date. If payment has not been received by one week before camp it will be $175. These rates are set by Muskingum Valley Council not the troop.
  • Physical forms will be due on June 7th (first troop meeting in June). See below for details and links to print your own form. Forms can also be obtained at troop meetings.
  • Begin thinking about what merit badges you want to go out for at summer camp. Obtain the merit badge pamphlet and work on any requirements you can before going to camp. The more time you spend at home, the more time you will have for fun at camp. Merit Badge sign-up needs to be submitted by June 7th.

Merit Badge Sign-up - The 2005 MVSR Merit Badge and Activity Sign-up page is now available. Please take time to review the merit badge and activity offerings at MVSR. Everyone needs to submit their form by June 7th so the information can be forwarded to camp.

CAMP PHYSICAL - Class 1, 2 (form 34414) and 3 (form 34412) Medical forms are required for EVERYONE staying overnight OR more than 12 hours in Camp in any week. There are no exceptions to this National BSA summer camp policy. Everyone must have the following medical record information.

Youths and adults under 40 years old
Use Form 34414, provided by the Council Service Center. The Personal Health and Medical History section must have been updated or completed within the last 12 months and signed by a participant's parent/guardian if he is under 18 years of age. Those over 18 must sign for themselves. A doctor must have signed the Medical Evaluation section within the last 36 months. If a Medical Form 34414 has a current signed Medical Evaluation (within 36 months), but not a current Personal Health & Medical History (within 12 months), a second medical Form 34414 with the updated Personal Health and Medical History may be attached to the first, and both handed in together.

Adults 40 and over
Use Form 34412, provided by the Council Service Center. The Personal Health and Medical History must be signed by the adult within the last 12 months. The Medical Evaluation must be signed by a doctor within the last 12 months. NOTE: The 72 hour camping experience mentioned on the Personal Health and Medical Record refers to the of the event, not the length of a person’s stay at that event.

Uniform Requirements - a tradition was started three years ago where each scout would own and wear scout uniform shorts at summer camp. This makes the troop look very sharp at formations during the week. Here are a few sources on where to find scout shorts without paying the full price at the scout shop - Older scouts who have outgrown their old shorts, thrift shops, and eBay.

Missing Troop Equipment - there are several pieces of equipment missing from the troop room. All gear needs to be returned as soon as possible after a campout. We have records of who has some of this equipment, but other items are a mystery. If you have ever gone camping without the right gear you know this is a real problem. Please bring this equipment back at our next troop meeting.

  • Small Blue Hex Dome Tent - label no. 96-04
  • Hex Dome Ground Cloth (white)
  • Large Tarp/Ground Cloth (blue) used with green Great Outdoors tents.

OA June Ordeal - Order of the Arrow members mark your calendars for June Ordeal on June 17-19, 2005. Newly elected candidates will be able to take their Ordeal. All members should have received a flyer in the mail. If not, contact your OA Troop Representative for registration information.

Memorial Day Parade - Monday, May 30th - Scouts will meet at 8:15am at the Old Church. Parade starts at 9:00am followed by a Memorial Service. Parade leaves from Town Centre Drive and Broadview Road, just South of Route 82. The Recreation Center will be free of charge to all residents and refreshments will be served immediately following the Memorial Service.

Scout Mass Reminder - Our scout mass is held every third Sunday at the 9:00am liturgy during the school year. Show your scout spirit and attend mass with other members of the troop.

Eagle Court of Honor - please join Jared and his family on May 22nd at the Family Center, as we both recognize and celebrate Troop 810's newest Eagle Scout. Invitations should be arriving in the mail the week of April 24th. Contact Mrs. Cree if you need any additional information.

May Outing - a decision was made by the troop's adult leadership to replace the Cuyahoga Valley District Camporee with an outing to the Byzantine Monastery. We came to the realization that preparation for this camporee would have been much more involved than anticipated. The camporee planning packet is roughly 41 pages long with events covering catapult building, gateway building, cooking competitions, first aid, etc. With all the activities we have planned for the next two months the adult leaders felt that there was not enough meeting time between now and camporee to properly prepare. We feel our efforts will be better utilized in getting ready for summer camp and preparing for our other activities. The camporee date change also caused a conflict with our regularly scheduled scout mass. A trip to the Monastery on the weekend of May 20-22, will be much more relaxed and more productive for our troop members. In addition the Byzantine Nuns of St. Clare can really use our help with cleaning up property damage caused by the recent snow storm. We will look into going to a camporee with another district in the fall.

Court of Honor - May 17th, 2005 at 7:00pm all scouts and their families should plan on being in attendance to be recognized and receive advancement awards. This event will be held at our normal meeting location in the upper old church.

Parents/Troop Committee Meeting - a meeting for parents and the troop committee has been scheduled for May 1st at 6:30pm in the Upper Old Church. The meeting will be used to cover troop finances, summer camp preparation, and long range plans. It will also be a great opportunity to meet the parents of our newest scouts. We ask that at least one parent from each family attend the meeting.

Troop T-Shirts - by now you all should have received an email from Mrs. Mayher asking for your T-shirt size. Please contact Mrs. Mayher by April 29th so everyone will have a Troop T-shirt in time for summer camp.

OA Spring Fellowship - Order of the Arrow members mark your calendars for the Spring Fellowship on April 15-17, 2005. This will be the first time for newly elected candidates to take their Ordeal. Other members can come join in the Fellowship and help prepare Beaumont for the upcoming camping season. All members should have received a flyer in the mail. If not, contact your OA Troop Representative for registration information.

Findley State Park - Please take a moment to review the trip plan for our Backpacking Outing to Findley State Park. Refer any questions to you Patrol Leader or Senior Patrol Leader.

District Camporee - The date for District Camporee is now May 13-15, 2005. Details will be posted to the web site once they become available from the district.

Backpacking Shakedown - on March 29th we will hold a backpacking shakedown for all troop members planning to attend the backpacking trip to Findley State Park. We will be making final preparations for this trip and it is important that you attend. The following tasks and training will take place.

  • Assemble meals into 2 person packages and distribute for packing.
  • Review crew gear and distribute for packing.
  • Setting up a Dining Fly
  • Review Itinerary
  • Answer any Gear Questions

Summer Camp - Our reservations for Muskingum Valley Scout Reservation have been confirmed for the week of June 26th to July 2nd, 2005. Stay tuned for the camp fee schedule.

Blue & Gold Dinner - Cub Scout Pack 810 will hold their Blue & Gold dinner Sunday, February 20th immediately following scout mass. We will need several scouts to help out with the Webelos to Scout cross over ceremony.

Camp Butler - Check out the trip plan for our winter camping weekend at Camp Butler February 25-27, 2005.

March Outing - due to unavailability of cabins at Beaumont we will now be going to Camp Chickagami for our March outing.

Registration Fees - It is that time of year again when the troop recharters. Each scout will need to renew their membership for the coming year. Fees are due at the troop meeting on March 15th. Please help the troop reach Quality Unit status by paying fees on time.

OA Elections - elections for Order of the Arrow will be held at the troop meeting on February 1st. To be eligible you must be at least First Class and have 15 days and nights of camping during the two year period prior to election. The 15 days and nights must include one, but no more than one long-term camp consisting of six consecutive days and five nights of resident camping. The balance of the camping must be overnight, weekend, or other short-term camps.

Klondike Derby - The trip plan and information about the events at the 2005 Klondike Derby have been posted. We are sending two patrols to compete against other patrols from the Cuyahoga Valley District.

Klondike Skills Review - The skills review has been changed to take place on January 25th at 7:00pm. This was originally scheduled for Saturday, January 22, 2004. We will be going over the events and preparing our gear for Klondike.

Closet and Gear Clean-up - We will be meeting from 12pm-4pm on Friday, January 21st to clean up the troop closet and sort through our gear. This is a day off for most schools. Additional details to follow at the next troop meeting.

Klondike Derby - reserve January 29th, for the 2005 Klondike Derby to be held at Ira Park near Peninsula, OH. More details as they become available.

Christmas Party - the troop Christmas Party will be held at Augies Pizza on Tuesday December 14th at 7:00pm. Each scout should bring a gift valued between $2-$5 to join in the gift exchange/game. Augies Pizza is located at 14084 State Rd in North Royalton near the intersection of State Rd and Royalton Rd.

Junior Leader Training, December 11 - the troop will be holding junior leader training for all members of the Patrol Leaders Council and any members with leadership positions. Depending on the number attending, other troop members may be invited to participate.

Byzantine Monastery - this trip was cancelled because the cabin at the Monastery is being refurbished.

Yard Charge and Hemlock Creek - The annual Yard Charge event is scheduled for November 6th. This is a great outing to get together and perform service for the elderly and handicapped residents of the Cleveland area. After Yard Charge we are planning to go camping at Hemlock Creek Picnic Area in the Cleveland Metroparks Bedford Reservation. A $5 fee for camping will be due at the troop meeting on November 2nd. Check out the trip plan for the rest of the details.

Rigatoni Dinner, November 3rd - The date for the Rigatoni Dinner has been set. The dinner is our main fund raiser for the year. All members of the troop and parents are required to participate. Along with working at the event each scout must sell at least 10 tickets. Gift certificates to the Scout Shop will be given to the top three sellers: 1st - $25, 2nd - $15, and 3rd - $10. Tickets will be distributed as soon as they are available.

OA Fall Fellowship - Order of the Arrow members mark your calendars for the Fall Fellowship on October 22-24, 2004. This is the time when the lodge gathers to elect their leaders for the coming year. There is also more time devoted to fun and fellowship at this outing than other events.

Troop Elections - At our troop meeting on October 19th we will hold troop elections for SPL and PLs. Be sure to attend and put in your vote for who will lead your troop and patrols for the next six months.

DCCS Retreat - The Diocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting Retreat is set for October 8-10, 2004. This is a good opportunity to show your scout spirit and display your duty to God at the same time. Check out the trip plan to see all the details. The $15 fee for this outing is due at our troop meeting on October 5th.

Camporee - get ready for some competition at the Frontier District Camporee on September 24-26, 2004. Please bring your $15 fee to the troop meeting on September 7th if you would like to go.

Safety Forces Appreciation Day - members of Troop 810 will serve as the Color Guard on Broadview Heights Safety Forces Appreciation Day at "The Fields" on September 10th. Color Guard should arrive promptly at 5:15pm.

Bike Trip - the troop will be taking a bike trip down the Erie Canal Towpath on August 28th. See the trip plan or contact your patrol leaders to answer any questions you may have.

Annual Planning Conference - the Patrol Leaders Council will be meeting at 6:30pm on August 24th at the Old Church to assemble the Schedule for the coming year. All patrol members should let their patrol leaders know what activities and outings they would like as part of the annual plan.

Parish Festival - the troop will once again be helping out with the festival. The plan for the weekend has been posted on the website. Scouts can also help out with unloading all the set up materials on Wednesday evening at 6:00pm.

Summer Camp at Ransburg Scout Reservaton - a great deal of information about summer camp has been added to the website. We are attending summer camp during the week of July 18-24, 2004. Please read over the information on the website. Be sure and sign-up for Merit Badges and Activities at least two weeks before the start of camp. If you have questions about camp start by asking your patrol leader or a scout that has been to summer camp before. Ask an adult leader if another scout doesn't have the information you need.

Summer Camp Medical Forms - Plan now to get your medical forms in order for camp. This is not something to put off to the last minute. Mr. Dzurnak is coordinating Physical forms. These are due one month before camp. Below is the policy on medical forms.

CAMP PHYSICAL - Class 1, 2 (form 34414) and 3 (form 34412) Medical forms are required for EVERYONE staying overnight OR more than 12 hours in Camp in any week. There are no exceptions to this National BSA summer camp policy. Everyone must have the following medical record information.

Youths and adults under 40 years old
Use Form 34414, provided by the Council Service Center. The Personal Health and Medical History section must have been updated or completed within the last 12 months and signed by a participant's parent/guardian if he is under 18 years of age. Those over 18 must sign for themselves. A doctor must have signed the Medical Evaluation section within the last 36 months. If a Medical Form 34414 has a current signed Medical Evaluation (within 36 months), but not a current Personal Health & Medical History (within 12 months), a second medical Form 34414 with the updated Personal Health and Medical History may be attached to the first, and both handed in together.

Adults 40 and over
Use Form 34412, provided by the Council Service Center. The Personal Health and Medical History must be signed by the adult within the last 12 months. The Medical Evaluation must be signed by a doctor within the last 12 months. NOTE: The 72 hour camping experience mentioned on the Personal Health and Medical Record refers to the of the event, not the length of a person’s stay at that event.

Medical forms at camp
At the Medical Recheck Station you can expect the form to be checked for two signatures (doctor and parent with each one dated), an emergency contact person and phone number. Forms will be rejected if not complete, so plan ahead.

Uniform Requirements - a tradition was started two years ago where each scout would own and wear scout uniform shorts at summer camp. This makes the troop look very sharp at formations during the week. Here are a few sources on where to find scout shorts without paying the full price at the scout shop - Older scouts who have outgrown their old shorts, thrift shops, and eBay. The troop uniform closet has a few items and is always looking for more. Please contact Mrs. Deran if you have or need uniform parts.

June Outing - The trip plan for our family canoeing and rafting outing has been posted to the web site. Fees for this event are due at the June 1st Court of Honor. Any questions you may have can be answered that evening.

Court of Honor - June 1st, 2004 at 7:00pm all scouts and their families should plan on being in attendance to be recognized and receive advancement awards. This event will be held at our normal meeting location in the old church.

Memorial Day Parade - Monday, May 31st - Scouts will meet at 10:15am at the Old Church. Parade starts at 11am followed by a Memorial Service. Parade leaves from Town Centre Drive and Broadview Road, just South of Route 82. The Recreation Center will be free of charge to all residents and refreshments will be served immediately following the Memorial Service.

New Form - A new form was added to the site to allow members the ability to add or change their email address on the troop email distribution list. It can also be used to comment about our website.

June Family Adventure - there is interest in turning our June 11-13, 2004 outing to Ohiopyle, PA into a family event. Initial planning will have the scouts and family members camping in the group area at Ohiopyle State Park. Families that do not wish to camp should make their own lodging arrangements. On Saturday scouts and family 13 or older will have their choice between white water rafting or canoeing. All others will go canoeing. More to come...

Eagle Court of Honor - The date for Kyle's Eagle Court of Honor has now been set to May 16th at 2:00pm. All scouts, family and friends of Troop 810 are invited to attend.

Summer Camp Fee Due Date - if you have not turned in 50% of your fees ($85) and want to go to Summer camp you are late. Please get this to Mrs. Cree as soon as possible. Final payment, the other 50%, will be due on May 4th. All fees turned in after May 4th are subject to a $10 penalty. Summer camp is July 18-24, 2004 at Ransberg Scout Reservation in Bloomington, Indiana.

April Campout at MVSR - the trip and program plans for our April outing to Muskingum Valley Scout Reservation have been posted. There will be a special organizational meeting for all those planning to attend on April 13th at 7:00pm in the Old Church. Please bring your fee of $15 to this meeting. This will be to check gear, plan menus and basicly get prepared for our trip. This meeting is especially important to scouts that have just joined the troop and have never tent camped with us before.

Scout Mass Reminder - Our scout mass is held every third Sunday at the 9:00am liturgy. Show your scout spirit and attend mass with other members of the troop.

March Campout - we have reserved a cabin at Camp Manatoc for March 19-21. We also plan on going to the Sportsman Show at the IX Center on Saturday afternoon. Admission to the show is free to all scouts in uniform. The PLC has put together a program plan and cost of the event is $15.00. This fee is due at our meeting on March 16, 2004.

Registration Fees Due - it is that time of year again when we recharter our troop with the Greater Cleveland Council. The fee of $21.80 must be turned in at our troop meeting on March 16, 2004. If you are not able to attend this meeting you need to get your payment to Mrs. Cree.

Parents/Troop Committee Meeting - there will be a meeting on Tuesday, March 30th at 7:00pm for all parents and adult leaders at the Old Church. At least one parent from each family should attend. Some of the topics for discussion will be Summer Camp, Budget, Equipment, Schedule, and Committee Needs. A full agenda will be posted soon. Please come and meet the parents of our new scouts. Refreshments will be served.

Summer Camp Fees Due - if you are planning to go to summer camp this year and have not turned in 50% of your fees ($85) you are late. Scouts just joining the troop, your initial payment is due at the troop meeting on April 6th. Final payment will be due on May 4th. Summer camp is July 18-24, 2004 at Ransberg Scout Reservation in Bloomington, Indiana.

Eagle Court of Honor - Kyle's Eagle Court of Honor had to be rescheduled due to a conflict. The new date has not yet been set.

Initial Summer Camp Payment - 50% of our fees for summer camp must be sent to Crossroads of America Council to keep our campsite. Each scout planning on attending summer camp this year must bring $85 (half of $170 total fee) to our regular troop meeting on March 2nd, 2004. Summer camp is July 18-24, 2004 at Ransberg Scout Reservation in Bloomington, Indiana.

Order of the Arrow Elections, February 3rd - Elections for troop members to the Order of the Arrow have been scheduled for the first Tuesday in February. Please do your best to attend this meeting to allow for a smooth election.

Klondike Derby, January 31st - Get ready for Klondike! If you are planning on going to Klondike Derby the fee of $7.00 is due at our regular troop meeting on January 20th. See the trip plan for further details.

Klondike Skills Review, January 27th - The troop will have an extra meeting this month for those scouts attending the Klondike Derby. We will be reviewing the events scheduled for the derby and brush up on our scouting skills.

Christmas Party, December 9th at Buffalo Wild Wings on Broadview Rd. Instead of buying gifts for each other we are going to provide for those less fortunate. The Screaming Eagles Patrol are to bring hats and mittens. The Crows are to bring a gift to be given to the Toys for Tots campaign. Do not wrap gifts to help the organizations see the gift when distributing. More information about the Christmas party will be given at the first troop meeting in December.

Flag Ceremony, December 1st at 7:00pm, Broadview Heights City Hall. We have been asked to participate in the induction ceremony for the newly elected Mayor and Council members.

Emerald Necklace Trail Hike, November 22nd - the troop will be hiking the Chagrin Leg 4 of the Emerald Necklace trail. See trip plan for details.

Court of Honor, November 18th at 7:00pm all scouts and their families should plan on being in attendance to be recognized and receive advancement awards. This event will be held at our normal meeting location in the old church.

Rigatoni Dinner, November 5th - The date for the Rigatoni Dinner has been set. The dinner will be our main fund raiser for the year. All members of the troop are required to participate. Along with working at the event each scout must sell at least 10 tickets. Gift certificates to the Scout Shop will be given to the top three sellers: 1st - $25, 2nd - $15, and 3rd - $10. Contact Mrs. Kubera for tickets to sell.

Yard Charge, November 8th - Our troop along with many others from the Greater Cleveland Council will be participating in the Yard Charge community good turn.

Father and Son Canoe Trip, October 3-5 - See the leaves begin to change and show their Fall colors from your canoe on the Mohican River. Fee of $20 dollars is due at a special troop meeting on September 30th. See trip plan for other details.

Scout Sunday - Troop 810 along with other scouting organizations at Assumption parish participate in the 9:00am liturgy every third Sunday of the month during the school year. Show your Scout Spirit by attending this mass in uniform. First mass is scheduled for October 19th.

Camporee, September 19-21 - the trip plan and other details about the camporee have been posted. Check out all there is to know about the Fall Camporee. FEE OF $15 IS DUE AT TROOP MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 2ND!

Religious Emblems - contact Joey J. or Mr. Makowski if you are interested in working on Ad Altare Dei, the religious emblem for Boy Scouts of the Roman Catholic faith. You must have completed the 6th grade and be active in the troop for 6 months to begin. There will be a short introductory session after our troop meeting on September 2nd. Our first regular session will be held on September 7th from 4:00pm-5:30pm at St Albert the Great. We will be joining scouts and counselors from Troops 526 and 297.

Junior Leader Training, September 6 - the troop will be holding junior leader training for all members of the Patrol Leaders Council and their assistants. Depending on the number attending, other junior leaders may be invited to participate.

August Ordeal - Order of the Arrow members, an ordeal is being held on August 22-24, 2003. This will include a Pool Party and Pig Roast. Get your registration form in by August 15th to avoid the late fee. Contact Mr. Makowski if you would like a ride.

Parish Festival, August 15-17 - Check out the latest news and schedule for the Assumption Parish Festival.

Parent/Troop Committee Meeting, August 12th - there will be an informational meeting at 7:00pm in the Old Church. This is to discuss long range plans and open troop committee positions. It will also be a good opportunity to bring up any questions you may have about the Boy Scout program.

Troop Meeting, July 22nd - there will be a planning meeting for scouts going on the bike tour campout scheduled for July 25-27 at the Byzantine Monestary.

Troop Meeting, June 17th - this is the last meeting before summer camp. The following items must be completed and turned in: Summer Camp Physicals (see below), Merit Badge List, Family Night Reservation Form and Meals Fee.

Scout Shorts - a tradition was started last year where each scout would own and wear scout uniform shorts at summer camp. This makes the troop look very sharp at formations during the week. If possible, we would like each scout to have these by the Memorial Day Parade. Here are a few sources on where to find scout shorts without paying the full price at the scout shop - Older scouts who have outgrown their old shorts, thrift shops, and eBay.

Summer Camp Physicals - Plan now to get your medical forms in order for camp. This is not something to put off to the last minute. Below is an exerpt from the 2003 Leader's Manual and Program Guide with links to the BSA Personal Health and Medical Record forms.

CAMP PHYSICAL - Class 1, 2 (form 34414) and 3 (form 34412) Medical forms are required for EVERYONE staying overnight OR more than 12 hours in Camp in any week. There are no exceptions to this National BSA summer camp policy. Everyone must have the following medical record information.

Youths and adults under 40 years old
Use Form 34414, provided by the Council Service Center. The Personal Health and Medical History section must have been updated or completed within the last 12 months and signed by a participant's parent/guardian if he is under 18 years of age. Those over 18 must sign for themselves. A doctor must have signed the Medical Evaluation section within the last 36 months. If a Medical Form 34414 has a current signed Medical Evaluation (within 36 months), but not a current Personal Health & Medical History (within 12 months), a second medical Form 34414 with the updated Personal Health and Medical History may be attached to the first, and both handed in together.

Adults 40 and over
Use Form 34412, provided by the Council Service Center. The Personal Health and Medical History must be signed by the adult within the last 12 months. The Medical Evaluation must be signed by a doctor within the last 12 months. NOTE: The 72 hour camping experience mentioned on the Personal Health and Medical Record refers to the of the event, not the length of a person’s stay at that event.

Medical forms at camp
At the Medical Recheck Station you can expect the form to be checked for two signatures (doctor and parent with each one dated), an emergency contact person and phone number. Forms will be rejected if not complete, so plan ahead.

Troop Meeting, June 10th - an additional troop meeting has been scheduled for this month to help with summer camp preparations. If you are going to summer camp please turn in your Family Night Reservation Form or you Merit Badge List. All parents should turn in a Troop Resource Survey.

Summer Camp Fees - Summer camp fees are now overdue. If you still intend to go to summer camp with the troop, June 22-28, you must contact Mrs. Cree as soon as possible.

Court of Honor - June 6th, 2003 at 7:00pm all scouts and their families should plan on being in attendance to be recognized and receive advancement awards. This event will be held at our normal meeting location in the old church.

Memorial Day Parade - Monday, May 26th - Parade starts at 9am followed by a Memorial Service. Parade leaves from Town Centre Drive and Broadview Road, just South of Route 82. The Recreation Center will be free of charge to all residents from 10:00am to 4:30pm and refreshments will be served immediately following the Memorial Service. (This information taken from the City of Broadview Heights Summer 2003 Recreation & Aquatics Programs booklet.)

Manatoc Outing - It was necessary to change our plans for a canoe trip due to red conditions on the Mohican River caused by heavy rain this week. As an alternative outing we are working on getting a campsite at Manatoc Scout Reservation and participating in an Orienteering event at Virginia Kendall on Saturday.

Registration - Contact Mrs. Cree if you have not turned in your annual registration. This is now overdue.

Summer Camp Fees - The balance of payment for summer camp is due at the Troop Meeting on May 13th. The $20 deposit goes toward the total fee of $160. All fees must be into the council office by May 15th.

Canoe Trip - May 16th-17th at Mohican Wilderness Livery and Campground. See next outing or schedule for details.

Beaumont - Join us for a trip to Beaumont Scout Reservation on April 11-13, 2003.

Scout Sunday - A hearty well done to the scouts and scouters who participated at March Scout Mass. In attendance were David, Frank, Kevin, Kyle, Joey, Matt, Mr. Makowski, Mr. Svihlik, and Mr. See. Remember, Scout Sunday is held every third Sunday of the month at the 9:00 am liturgy during the school year. Show your Scout Spirit by attending this mass in uniform.

Deposit for Summer Camp - A deposit of $20.00 is due for summer camp to be held June 22-28. Please bring this to the next troop meeting.

Upcoming Events - The dates for April and May outings have been posted on the schedule. Details to follow.

City Hike - Get ready for a hike through Downtown Cleveland and a trip to the Great Lakes Science Center OMNIMAX Theater. See City Hike trip plan for details.

Scout Sunday - Troop 810 along with other scouting organizations at Assumption parish participate in the 9:00am liturgy every third Sunday of the month during the school year. Show your Scout Spirit by attending this mass in uniform.

Scout Retreat - September 27-29, 2002 at Center for Pastoral Leadership in Wickliffe, Ohio.

Crop Walk - We will be joining other members of our parish and city in the Crop Walk on October 6th. Details to follow.

Frontier District Camporee - Our district camporee will be held the weekend of October 11-13. It would be a good idea to brush up on your scouting skills in preparation for the big event.

Candy Sale - The candy sale used to raise funds for our activities is now underway. Contact Mrs. Cree if you have not picked up your candy bars or need information about the candy sale.

Lost and Found - Scout belt at summer camp - contact Mr. Ulintz.

Order of the Arrow Members - Fall Fellowship is scheduled for September 20-22, 2002 at Beaumont Scout Reservation.

Orienteering Event - We will be attending an Orienteering Event hosted by NorthEastern Ohio Orienteering Club on September 8, 2002. This will be in the Cleveland Metroparks at Mill Stream Run.

Order of the Arrow Members and Ordeal Candidates - August Ordeal scheduled for August 23 - 25, 2002 at Beaumont Scout Reservation.

Troop Meeting Cancelled - August 20, 2002, regular meeting will not be held. Adult leaders will be attending the Frontier District Program kick-off dinner and will not be available for our regularly scheduled meeting.

Feast Day Celebration - August 18, 2002 at 11:45am the Troop will participate in the procession before the 12:15pm mass and celebrate mass together. Meet in the church parking lot at 11:30am.

Whitewater Rafting - August 15 -16, 2002 - Whitewater Rafting trip down the Lower Youghiogheny River in Ohiopyle, PA. This is a high adventure trip, you must be 13 years of age or older to attend.

Court of Honor - August 13, 2002 at 7:00pm all scouts and their families should plan on being in attendance to be recognized and receive advancement awards. This event will be held at our normal meeting location in the old church.

Troop Meeting - August 6, 2002 at 7:00pm. All scouts still needing a Board of Review for advancement should plan on attending. This will be the last reviews scheduled before the Court of Honor. Scouts not involved with reviews will conduct a regular meeting.

Tappan Lake Park and Campground July 19 - 21, 2002 - The date for this campout was changed. See trip plan for outing details. 

Summer Camp 2002 fees are due! Costs are as follows. 

  • $145 if paid by May 16th
  • $160 if paid after May 16th and before June 16th
  • $175 if paid at start of camp June 16th

Order of the Arrow Members and Ordeal Candidates - June Ordeal scheduled for June 7 - 9, 2002 at Beaumont Scout Reservation. If you need a ride Mr. Makowski will be attending.

Memorial Day Parade and Memorial Ceremony on 5/27/02 - we will meet at the Old Church at 10:00am. Class A uniform is a Must! This includes shirt, neckerchief, belt, hat, and pants. In other words, wear it if you have it. Note: Badges and patches should be sewn on your uniform, not pinned. Learning how to maintain your uniform is a part of scouting.

Excerpt from Mayor Bender's column in the Broadview Journal

Remember those who served our nation. Our Memorial Day Parade will take place on May 27 at 11 a.m. It will start on Broadview Road at Town Centre Drive just south of Royalton Road. It will proceed to Broadview Center, where there will be a brief memorial ceremony followed by refreshments. The best to watch is along the tree-lined Broadview Center entranceway at 9543 Broadview Road. There is plenty of parking available. It would be best to arrive by 10:45 to avoid road closings.

Patrol Leaders' Council (PLC) Meeting on 5/21/02 - 7:30pm at Old Church. The PLC consists of the Senior Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, and Patrol Leaders. There will be a small training session and summer camp discussion. The meeting should last no more than one hour.

Troop Meeting on 5/14/02 will be held outside the Recreation Center at Broadview Center. We will be practicing for the flag ceremony and parade to be held on Memorial Day. Items to bring for the Mohican Wilderness canoe trip will also be discussed.

Mohican Wilderness Canoe Trip 5/17/02 - 5/19/02 departing from Old Church at 6:00pm on Friday.

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