Troop 810 Family Night Reservation Form

Wednesday June 25th, 2003 is Family Night at Beaumont Scout Reservation. It gives the opportunity for the scout’s family to come and visit them during their week at camp. The event begins with a steak fry at the Augustus Center from 6:00pm – 7:15pm. From 7:30pm – 9:00pm the trading posts and program areas will be open for guests to visit. Beginning at 9:30pm the family Order of the Arrow campfire will begin and run until about 10:00pm. In preparation for Family Night we will need a count of how many are planning on attending. Please fill out this form and return it at the Court of Honor on June 3rd.

___We will be attending family night ___We will not be attending family night

Number attending and prices (all meals include baked potato, salad bar, desert, and beverage)

Steak Fry ____ x $9.00 = ______
Two Hamburgers ____ x $9.00 = ______
One Hamburger ____ x $7.00 = ______
Total ____   ______

Name of Scout(s): ______________________________ Fee is due on June 17th.