Bradley Woods Reservation

April 28-30, 2006
North Olmstead and Westlake, OH

The weather was beautiful and stayed in the mid 60’s and sunny all weekend. It was perfect for the new scouts who worked on sleeping in a tent that they’ve pitched themselves for the 1st time as Boy Scouts. The older scouts worked with the newer scouts on advancement requirements including physical fitness, fire building, as well as stove and open fire cooking. We also worked on Fire’em’chit and learn how to safely build three different types of fires that would all start with one match. Mr. Dzurnak showed the scouts how to start a fire with no matches and then let the scouts ignite the fire using only drier lint and a flint stick. It was a textbook ignition! We learned about safe hiking, what to do if you are lost, and the “buddy system” while the fire burned down to red hot cooking coals. Then, we cooked a meal over the open fire that they built. Tenderfoot, 2nd class, and 1st class cooking requirements were also earned by some of the scouts. We also learned how to make duty rosters to fairly share in the weekend of responsibilities. Kurtis was voted in as the weekend’s SPL by the scouts and 2 other scouts were given the weekend opportunity as patrol leaders.

Most of the scouts woke up at 5:30 am to go fishing on Saturday morning. We had a fishing derby over the course of the weekend and gave awards for the first fish caught, most fish caught, and biggest fish. Patrols were awarded beads for weekend participation as well as winning each of the fishing derby events. Free time was spent playing several games of capture the flag in intense competitions between the older scouts and the younger scouts. The five mile hike was voted down by the scouts in favor of yet another game of capture the flag!

The fun filled weekend of learning, fishing, and playing came to a close as we packed up our tents Sunday morning just before the rain came…Well most of us packed up before the rain came! The weekend campers were Alex Da, Alex Dz, Chris, Donald, Eric, Kevin, Kurtis, Nick, DJ, Jacob, Jordan, Ryan, Will, Mr. Dzurnak, and Mr. Washabaugh.

Another Point of View

We had many fun adventures on the Bradley Woods campout. On Friday, we arrived at the campsite around 7:00. This campout was for fishing and that is what we did. For starters we had many fishing poles and used then to go fishing at 5:30 in the morning. With these fishing poles we held a fishing derby in which the winners were Ryan and DJ who caught 10 fish each. On this cool and crisp April weekend our troop began to distribute beads for the Patrol Awards program. We also had an older scouts vs. younger scouts game of capture the flag that was shall we say less than successful. The weekend fisherman were Alex Da, Alex Dz, Chris, Donald, Eric, Kevin, Kurtis, Nick, DJ, Jacob, Jordan, Ryan, Will, Mr. Dzurnak, and Mr. Washabaugh.

Early Bird Catches the Fish

Getting Started at the Lake

The Fishing Area

Catch of the Day

The Lone Fisherman

Chefs Prepare Breakfast

Sitting Down to Breakfast

Proof That Boys are Capable of Doing the Dishes

Look... Magic!

Winner of the Smallest Fish Contest?

Game Time

Open Fire Cooking

The Line for Supper

Hey, Let's Bury Kurtis in Wood Chips

Trip Plan for
Bradley Woods Reservation

April 28-30, 2006

North Olmstead and Westlake, OH

Date and Time of Departure: Friday, April 28th, 6:00pm.

Purpose: To hone our camping and fishing skills. Work on Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class advancement requirements. Complete several requirements for fishing merit badge.

Location: Codrington Shelterhouse Picnic Area in Cleveland Metroparks Bradley Woods Reservation.

Cost: $15 per scout, due at April 18th meeting.


  1. I-480 West
  2. exit at Stearns Rd
  3. turn right (north) on Stearns
  4. to Lorain Rd (where Stearns ends)
  5. turn left (west) on Lorain
  6. to Barton Rd
  7. turn right (north) on Barton Rd
  8. to Bradley rd (1st four way stop)
  9. turn right (north) on Bradley Rd
  10. Bradley Woods Reservation entrance is on the right
  11. follow signs to Codrington Shelterhouse Picnic Area

Estimated Time of Return: Sunday April 30th around 10:00am - Behind Old Church.

Items to Bring:

  • Scout Essentials (see handbook)
  • Camping Gear and Extra Clothing (see handbook)
  • Fishing Gear
  • Be Prepared for inclement weather!

Friday, April 28th
6:00pm Meet at Old Church and depart when ready
7:00pm Arrive at camp, begin setup
After setup Game or Activity
9:00pm Snack
10:30pm Get ready for bed
11:00pm Lights Out, Quiet Time
Saturday, April 29th
5:30am Wake up call for early fisherman
7:00am Wake up cooks
7:30am All up
7:45am Breakfast
9:00am Breakfast Complete
9:15am Fishing
11:30 Lunch Preparation
12:00pm Lunch
1:00pm Lunch Complete, Work on Advancement
2:30pm Exploration and Hiking
5:30pm Supper Preparation
6:30pm Supper
7:30pm Supper Complete
7:30pm-10:30pm Free Time
10:30pm Get ready for bed
11:00pm Lights Out, Quiet Time
Sunday, April 30th
7:00am Wake Up & Take Down Camp
8:30am Breakfast
9:00pm Leave for Assumption

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