Trip Plan for Bike Hike
Date and Time of
Departure: Saturday, June 9th, 10:00am - Station Road
Bridge Parking Lot. Purpose: Spend the day outdoors and get some exercise with a bike trip on the Erie Canal Towpath. Review map and compass skills. Begin working on Cycling merit badge and/or earn 2nd Class requirement 1b. Location: Erie Canal Towpath between Station Road Bridge and Peninsula, OH. Directions: Cleveland Metroparks Brecksville Reservation
Bike Route: Depart Station Road Bridge parking lot and head South on Erie Canal Towpath. Make stops as necessary for breaks or to work on advancement. Continue on Towpath until Peninsula, OH. We will have lunch (around noon) at the Winking Lizard. After lunch bike North back to Station Road Bridge parking lot. Cost: Bring money to purchase a lunch at the Winking Lizard in Peninsula, OH. Estimated Time of Return: Saturday, June 9th, 3:00pm - Station Road Bridge Parking Lot. Items to Bring: Water for the trip down and back. No Helmet, No Go! Be prepared, you are going on a long distance bike trip. Bring any items needed for safety and comfort. Talk to your Patrol Leaders if you have questions. |