Trip Plan for Klondike Derby

"Strike It Rich at the
Cuyahoga Valley District Klondike Derby!"

Beaumont Scout Reservation
Rock Creek, OH
January 16-18, 2009

Date and Time of Departure: Friday, January 16th, 6:00pm - Old Church. DRESS WARM! We will leave once vehicles are packed.

Purpose: It's Fun! Show off your scouting skills by competing in scout-craft events against other patrols and troops in the district.

Location: Beaumont Scout Reservation, Rock Creek, OH

Cost: $20.00 per scout. Permission Slip and Fee due at troop meeting on January 6th.

Estimated Time of Return: Sunday, January 18th, 10:30am - Parking Lot Behind Old Church

Items to Bring:

  • Scout Outdoor Essentials (see handbook)
  • Extra Clothing
  • One quart of water
  • Lunch Cooked by Patrol

Derby Details


6:00pm Pack up troop gear, depart when ready.
7:30pm Arrive at Beaumont, Check-in and Setup
8:30pm~9:00pm Snack and Prepare for Competitions
10:30pm Get Ready for Bed
11:00pm Lights Out, Quiet Time
7:00am Reville
8:00am Breakfast
8:30am Clean up
9:00am Depart for Klondike (report to first city)
9:30am-9:45am Equipment check in
9:45am-10:15am First Event
10:15am-10:25am Move
10:25am-10:55am Second Event
10:55am-11:05am Move
11:05am-11:35am Third Event
11:35am-11:45am Move
11:45am-1:00pm Lunch
1:00pm-1:10pm Move
1:10pm-1:40pm Fifth Event
1:40pm-1:50pm Move
1:50pm-2:20pm Sixth Event
2:20pm-2:30pm Move
2:30pm-3:00pm Seventh Event
3:00pm-3:15pm Checkout - Turn Scorecards in to HQ
4:30pm Prepare Supper
5:30pm Supper
6:00pm Clean-Up
7:10pm Depart for Gold Rush Auction
7:30pm Gold Rush Auction, Awards & Movie
9:00pm Youth Leader's Cracker Barrel
9:30pm Adult Leader's Cracker Barrel
9:30pm Back to Cabin - Free Time
10:30pm Get Ready for Bed
11:00pm Lights Out, Quiet Time
7:00am Reville - Pack all Personal Gear
8:00am Breakfast
8:15am Clean-Up Breakfast and Cabin
9:00am Check-Out and Depart for Home
10:30am Arrive, Parking Lot Behind Old Church


  1. Scouts must be properly clothed for cold, stormy weather; they will be inspected. If, in the opinion of the judges, a Scout is not properly clothed with proper footwear (boots or overshoes required), he will not be permitted to participate.
    1. Waterproof footwear that reaches above the ankles and is "tight" at the top so snow cannot get inside.
    2. Head gear should be able to cover the ears.
    3. Weatherproof outer garments for extreme cold and/or wet weather.
    4. Gloves are a necessity.
  2. Each patrol must present a roster of patrol members (actual participants) signed by the Scoutmaster at check in.
  3. No adult is to be with a patrol on the trail or to coach, help or otherwise assist any Scout or Patrol while that Scout or Patrol is involved with Derby competition. (This rule may be waved by the Mayor for disabled Scouts only). All leaders and spectators will remain in the areas designated for them by the mayor of that city.
  4. The ground rules for conduct and behavior at the Klondike Derby are the Scout Oath and Scout Law!


  • At least one compass for every two boys in your Patrol
  • 8 - six foot lengths of 1/4" rope
  • 2 - twelve foot lengths of rope not over 1" thick
  • 1 - 25 foot length of rope not over 1/2" thick
  • First Aid Kit
  • Hand axe, properly sheathed
  • At least one pocket knife
  • At least one TOTIN CHIP card (must have this to use knife and axe)
  • At least one Firem'n Chit card (must have this to start the fire)
  • Two tarps at least 6 ft x 6 ft
  • 3 poles approx. 1" - 1 1/2" diameter and approx. 6 ft long
  • Rope and/or twine for lashing
  • Firewood and tinder for Pioneering and Lunch cooking fires
  • Food for lunch, including water
  • Utensils for cooking and eating, including place setting for two judges
  • Toilet paper in a plastic bag
  • Trash bags
  • Notebook and at least one pencil, in a plastic bag
  • Roster of patrol members
  • Patrol scorecard (given at registration)
  • Patrol flag on sledge or other transport equipment. Patrol name must be on flag and sledge
  • Troop number on sledge

Axes, hatchets, and saws must be properly sheathed and remain on the sledge or in a backpack except when they are used in an event.

Please Read... Derby Competition Procedures and Events

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