Byzantine Monastery

May 12-14, 2006
North Royalton, OH

It was a cold wet weekend in May. The forecast for Friday, rain, for Saturday, rain, and for Sunday, rain. I hope the new scouts brought the right equipment for the weekend or else they’re in for a wet one. When we arrived it was raining. “What is the first thing to put up?” asked the Senior Patrol Leader, Nathan, to the Raging Rams. The answer is the dining fly in order to keep our personal gear dry.

After everything was set up tents and all, David H and Matthew M taught the Raging Rams how to start a fire and the different types of fires. The rest of the night the troop played capture the flag. In the morning the Screaming Eagles and the Crows/Penguins both had pancakes with eggs and bacon. The Raging Rams had one-eyed jacks. Shortly after breakfast each of the patrols were assigned to service projects around the Monastery grounds. The Screaming Eagles pulled out weeds along the driveway and in the front garden. The Crows/Penguins/Raging Rams cleaned out overgrown vegetation around the front part of the property. We went for lunch after the service projects and then worked on advancement. Our evening activity was dodge the rain with a few songs mixed in. The muddy members of 810 included Alex D.(1), Chris C., David H., DJ, Donald, Eric(1), Jacob D., Jacob S., Joey P.(1), John, Jordan, Justin(1), Kevin, Kurtis, Kyle(1), Matt S.(1), Matthew M., Nate, Nick, Sam, Steven, Mr. Dzurnak, Mr. Makowski, Mr. Mayher, Mrs. Verhovnik(0).

The Dining Room.

Keeping Trash Away from the Critters

Washing Up Outdoor Style.

Taking a Break After Service Projects.

Anyone See My Mess Kit?

A View of Our Camping Area.

A Little on the Soggy Side.

Decent Weather for Departure.

Trip Plan for Byzantine Monastery

Date and Time of Departure: Friday, May 12th, 6:30pm - Old Church

Purpose: Service and Fun at the Monastery!

Location: Byzantine Monastery, 6688 Cady Rd, North Royalton, OH 44133


  1. Broadview Rd. South to Rt 82.
  2. Rt 82 West to State Rd.
  3. State Rd South to Cady Rd.
  4. Turn right heading West on Cady Rd.
  5. Byzantine Monastery is on right hand side about 1/2 mile from State Rd.

Cost: $10.00 per scout (due at meeting on May 2nd)

Estimated Time of Return: Sunday, May 14th, 9:30am

Items to Bring:

  • Scout Outdoor Essentials (see handbook)
  • Camping Gear and Extra Clothing (see handbook)
Friday, May 12th
6:30pm Meet at Old Church and depart when ready
7:15pm Arrive at camp, begin setup
8:15pm Setup Complete
8:30pm Campfire - Patrol Songs and Skits
10:30pm Hit the Sack
11:00pm Lights Out, Quiet Time
Saturday, May 13th
7:00am Wake up cooks
7:30am All up
8:30am Breakfast Complete
9:00-11:00am Service Project for Byzantine Nuns of St. Clare
11:15am Lunch Preparation
12:30pm Lunch Complete
12:45pm Work on Advancement, Firem'n Chit, Totin' Chip
3:00pm Games
5:00pm Supper Preparation
7:00pm Supper Complete
7:00pm-10:30pm Free Time
10:30pm Get ready for bed
11:00pm Lights Out, Quiet Time
Sunday, May 14th
7:30am Wake Up & Take Down Camp
8:45am Breakfast
9:15pm Hit the Road

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