Yard Charge
and Hemlock Creek

November 6-7, 2004

Cleveland, OH and Bedford Reservation

As Troop 810, we could not have asked for a better turnout for the Greater Cleveland Council Yard Charge. Free doughnuts and coffee brought our day up to speed as we headed out into the cool fall day. Our first yard was (gratefully) completed and gave us a head start on the "competition". We tied the last string on our leaf bags around 12:30 and we headed out for our complimentary KFC Lunch.

Still exhilarated from the yard charge (yes, that's a joke), Troop 810 packed up our gear and headed out to Hemlock Creek in the Metroparks where we would stay for the night. I believe that all of the scouts would agree with me saying that we could have not picked a better spot to camp that day. The steep, rolling hills surrounded the rocky, and deep (just ask DJ) river. We set up camp and played around for the rest of the day; well, at least until dinnertime. Our perfectly cooked pot roast could not have tasted any better. We finished the night with hobo-pies and some fireside games; then we closed up camp. The next morning, we closed up camp after doing some games (for instance, running down the hills). We returned to the church parking lot at about 11:00 and most attended mass afterwards.

Those who attended the Yard Charge were: Alex U., DJ, Jared, Kevin, Matt S., Nate, Philip, Ryan, Steven, Mr. Makowski, Mr. Mayher, Mr. Svihlik, and Mr. Thomas. Those who attended the Hemlock Creek Campout were: Alex U., David, DJ, Justin, Kevin, Kyle, Matt M., Matt S., Nate, Philip, Ryan, Steven, Mr. Makowski, Mr. Mayher, and Mr. Thomas.

Beautiful morning to break down camp and head on home.

Hey, where did everybody go?

Trip Plan for Yard Charge
and Hemlock Creek

This weekend will feature two events. The YardCharge Community Good Turn in Cleveland followed by an overnight campout at Hemlock Creek Picnic Area in Bedford Reservation. Here are the details...

Yard Charge

Date and Time of Departure: Saturday, November 6th, 8:00am - Old Church

Purpose: To perform service hours to the community and get advancement requirements completed. Rake yards for the elderly members of our community.

Location: Southern Cleveland, kickoff at Tower City Amphitheater

Cost: $0 per scout

Estimated Time of Return: Saturday, November 6th, 1:00pm - Old Church

Items to Bring:

  • Rake
  • Gloves
  • Water

Hemlock Creek

Date and Time of Departure: Saturday, November 6th after return from Yard Charge.

Purpose: Work on rank advancement and get more camping nights. We will also work on our open fire cooking skills. Come out and enjoy some Fall weather camping.

Location: Hemlock Creek Picnic Area in Cleveland Metroparks Bedford Reservation.

Cost: $5 per scout, due at November 2nd meeting.

Estimated Time of Return: Sunday November 7th around 10:00am - Behind Old Church.

Items to Bring:

  • Scout Essentials (see handbook)
  • Camping Gear and Extra Clothing (see handbook)
  • Be Prepared for Cooler Weather!

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