Byzantine Monastery

October 20-22, 2006
North Royalton, OH

The Troop’s October camp was at the Byzantine Monastery. We enjoyed a weekend of fall camping. Friday we set up camp in the upper field. The senior patrol leader organized the troop and made a plan for set up. After the dining fly was up and tents were up, we had a snack while sitting by the fire. Some of the boys played cards while others played games. Next morning, the troop arose at 7:00 AM and the campgrounds became busy with the hustle and bustle of fixing breakfast. Once breakfast had been served, the senior patrol leader explained what the day’s activities were going to be. The troop was to help Ryan on his Eagle Scout project. We were to clear dirt in front of a cabin, set down stone for a walk to the road and wood shed. All the materials were prearranged and set to go. We worked hard until lunch. After the lunch break, the troop went back to work, moving the rest of the dirt and setting stone. The walk was completed to the road, however, more work was needed to complete the walk to the woodshed. The afternoon went by swiftly and we were all tired and hungry. The patrols were organized and went after their tasks to make dinner. The chicken stir-fry with green beans and garlic bread was served and the patrols dug in. Before the onset of darkness, the dishes were cleaned and the tables wiped down. The rest of the early night went by with the boys playing cards and telling campfire stories. As the stories were told, we enjoyed many hobo pies under the starlit night. Sunday morning arrived and the troop packed-up camp. At times it rained, causing the tents and the equipment to get wet. Everything was finally packed and scouts headed for the Old Church where they unpacked. Afterwards, the troop said a prayer and departed for home. Overall, everyone enjoyed themselves and had a splendid time. Enjoying the weekend of camping were Justin, Chris, Kevin, Jacob D., Kurtis, Steven, Matthew M., Joe K., John V., Don, Ryan, Joe P., Kyle, Joe J., Mr. Kancyan, Mr. Makowski, Mr. Mayher and Mr. Svihlik.

Tying Knots is Fun!

Card Game anyone?

Management by Committee

Scout Skills at work

Enjoying Camp

Home Sweet Home

Meal Planning?

Eagle Patrol cooking Pancakes.  Mmmm

Crow Patrol cooking pancakes. Home cooking at it's best.

Our Scoutmaster leading the way!

Trip Plan for Byzantine Monastery

Date and Time of Departure: Friday, Oct 20th, 6:00pm - Old Church

Purpose: Service and Fun at the Monastery! Work on advancement and camp with 2nd year Webelos from Pack 810.

Location: Byzantine Monastery, 6688 Cady Rd, North Royalton, OH 44133


  1. Broadview Rd. South to Rt 82.
  2. Rt 82 West to State Rd.
  3. State Rd South to Cady Rd.
  4. Turn right heading West on Cady Rd.
  5. Byzantine Monastery is on right hand side about 1/2 mile from State Rd.

Cost: $10.00 per scout (due at meeting on Oct 17th)

Estimated Time of Return: Sunday, Oct 22nd, 9:30am

Items to Bring:

  • Scout Outdoor Essentials (see handbook)
  • Camping Gear and Extra Clothing (see handbook)
Friday, Oct 20th
6:00pm Meet at Old Church and depart by 6:30pm
6:45-7:00pm Arrive at camp, begin setup
8:00pm Setup Complete
8:00pm Campfire/Games/Snacks
10:30pm Hit the Sack
11:00pm Lights Out, Quiet Time
Saturday, Oct 21st
7:00am Wake up cooks
7:30am All up
8:30am Breakfast Complete
10:00am Webelos Arrive help set-up
10:45am Service to Monastery
11:45am Lunch Preparation (cooks)
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm Lunch Complete
2:00-3:00pm Hike around Monastery
3:00-5:00pm Help with Outdoorsman and Advancement
5:00pm Supper Preparation
7:00pm Supper Complete
7:00-8:30pm Capture the Flag
8:30-9:30pm Campfire with Webelos
9:30-10:30pm Freetime
10:30pm Get ready for bed
11:00pm Lights Out, Quiet Time
Sunday, Oct 22nd
7:00am Wake Up & Take Down Camp
8:45am Breakfast
9:15pm Hit the Road

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