Frontier District Klondike Derby
January 31, 2004
Camp Butler
Peninsula, OH
It was one of the colder days of the winter and there was enough snow for the sledge to move around easily during Klondike. The troop fielded one patrol for this year's event. Each station had its own unique challenges to test our scouting skills. The patrol worked together well and came out of the competition with third place overall. Braving the cold were David, Jared, Joey, Justin, Kyle, Matt, Nate, Mr. Makowski, Mr. Svihlik, and Mr. Thomas.
Trip Plan for Klondike Derby
January 31, 2004
Camp Butler
Peninsula, OH
and Time of Departure: Saturday, January 31st, 7:00am
- Old Church. Dress warm! Purpose: To test our
knowledge of cold weather scouting skills against other
patrols in the district. Location: Camp Butler - Manatoc Scout Reservation, Peninsula, OH Cost: $7.00 per scout. Due at troop meeting on January 20th. Estimated Time of Return: Saturday, January 31st, 5:00pm - Old Church Items to Bring:
Derby Details SCHEDULE
Derby Events Note: All stations will have scoring components that consider communicating, leadership, using resources, and patrol spirit. Station masters will be judging how the patrol participates as a team. The Patrol Leader will also be judged on how well he handles his patrol. Juneau
(Conference Center) - Registration, Lunch & Hot
Chocolate Nome
- Grab Bag Skagway
- Pancakes Prudhoe
Bay - Winter Survival Anchorage
- Polar Bear Fairbanks
- Patrol Teamwork Valdez
- First Aid Barrow
- Travois Race |