
October 13-14, 2007
Cleveland Metroparks Hinckley Reservation

The morning of October 13th we set out on our backpacking trip. In the past, the troop's backpacking trips have been plague with bad weather, but this one had among the fairest weather witnessed in a long time. We started out at the parking lot in Johnson's picnic area and followed a combination of bridle paths and the Buckeye Trail. The going was smooth and pleasant and after a full morning we arrived at our destination tired, but happy. Before setting up camp we ate our lunch of tuna, crackers and trail mix. Then we set up camp at the Top O'Ledges picnic area not far from where another troop was camping. After setting up we decided to explore Whipp's Ledges, one of natures nearby wonders. We spent hours exploring this rock formation that could be called a cliff. One highlight was climbing to the top of a large isolated rock and taking in the view. Afterwards we just lazed around our fire and campsite, doing various relaxed activities. For supper we prepared and devoured red beans and rice with pudding cups for desert. The well water from the pump was not the best, we'll know to stash some the next time we make this trip. Once clean up was complete we resumed our relaxed state around the fire. The group was tired from the full day of activities and headed off to sleep just after 9:00pm with a clear sky and cooler temperatures.

The following morning we awoke at 7:00am and packed up our gear speedily and efficiently. The crew had a quick breakfast of beef jerky, cereal bars, hot chocolate, and oatmeal then departed for the short hike back. Although much shorter, the route provided a few challenges such as hiking down and through Whipp's Ledges and then a patch of mud and water by the creek that was tough to avoid. Our group reached the parking lot without a hitch and ahead of schedule. We concluded the successful trek with a pleasant ride home. Packing their share of the load were Allen, Greg, John, Kevin, Kurtis, Matthew O., Mr. Drown, Mr. Makowski, and Mr. Owen. Sorry, no pictures this time.

Trip Plan for Backpacking at Hinckley

Date and Time of Departure: Saturday, October 13th, 8:30am - Parking Lot Behind Old Church

Purpose: To learn the basic skills of backpacking by taking a short trip. This terrain is considered moderate with some hills. It is a great trip for all scouts with an interest in backpacking.

Location: Cleveland Metroparks Hinckley Reservation, Top-O-Ledges Picnic Area

Cost: $15.00 per scout (due at troop meeting on October 2nd)

Shakedown: All scouts and adults attending must attend the Shakedown meeting on October 11th at 7:00pm in the Upper Old Church. This is when we assemble our food, assign tents and issue crew gear. Any scouts that have not been on a backpacking trip must bring their backpack and all gear they plan to take for inspection.

Estimated Time of Return: Sunday, October 14th, 10:30am - Behind Old Church

Items to Bring (Backpacking):

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