Valley District Camporee
September 14-15, 2007
Cleveland Metroparks Brecksville Reservation
Brecksville, Ohio
The camporee
this year was filled with various activities involving
communication. When we arrived the weather was cold and
cloudy with misty rain. Once camp was set up, the troop
built a gateway using rope and real big sticks. We
reviewed what was going to be going on the following day
while standing around our campfire. Before we went to
bed, the troop spent some time practicing semaphores. The next day came with a beautiful sunrise. The chefs got busy making breakfast, which consisted of personal omelets. After breakfast, we all reported to the flag raising. Everyone saluted the flag, and the activities began. The events were fun! In one event we used a compass and a GPS to find the correct stakes and collect paper with topographical symbols on it, which we had to name correctly. Next we built our own flagpole and raised it up with rope, without stepping in a 10-foot diameter circle. We did some more events, and then it was time for lunch. Lunch came and went as we gobbled up our food. We returned to the events and finished them up. We packed up that same evening because of Scout Mass the following day. At the evening campfire, we found out that the Screaming Eagles patrol came in 2nd and won a camping table for the troop. After the awards, the troop left for home and bed! The next morning we got up tired and went to mass as a unit. Along on the camping outing were Allen D., Jordan C., John V., Matthew K., Matthew M., Steven M., Matthew O., Mr. Makowski (Sat), Mr. Mayher, Mr. Owen, Mrs. Verhovnik. Also joining us were Max, Theo, Mr. Merek, and Mr. Tuttle from Pack 810's Webelos II Den. |
![]() Campsite Gateway |
![]() Returning from Patrol Check-In |
![]() GPS and Compass |
![]() Semaphore Challenge |
![]() Flagpole Raising |
![]() Smoke Signals |
![]() Building a Proper Fire Lay |
![]() Blind Man's Bluff |
![]() Sightless Communication |
![]() Mystery Event |
![]() What's the Catch? |
![]() Alle Ooop |
Trip Plan for Camporee
and Time of Departure: Friday, September 14th, 6:00pm
- Old Church. Wear complete Class "A"
uniform. Purpose: A fun filled event designed to test your scouting skills against other patrols from troops within our district. Uniform: Class "A" uniform for Camporee entrance, during retreat, vespers, and campfire. Class "B" uniform, Troop T-shirt, for wear during the day on Saturday (weather permitting). Location: Cleveland MetroParks Brecksville Reservation, Meadows Cost: $20.00 per scout (permission slip and fee due at troop meeting on September 4th) Estimated Time of Return: Saturday, September 15th, 10:00pm - Old Church. Camporees normally end Sunday morning, but we will return Saturday evening so there won't be a conflict with our monthly scout mass on Sunday at 9am. Items to Bring:
Camporee Details All Camporee procedures and event information can be found in the camporee packet. Here is a quick summary of the events.