Parish Festival

August 11-13, 2006
Broadview Heights, OH

It turned out to be a great weekend for the Parish Festival. The weather cooperated and plenty of people came to enjoy the food, fun, and fellowship. The troop along with other parishioners provided many hours of service to make the festival a success. Things really began Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings as we moved all the gear that makes up the festival out of storage. We also setup the booths, tents, and put supplies in the right location. Friday night turned into a long evening as we helped build an attractive sign to advertise a chance to win a new car. Pizza was provided by Augies to curb our appetite after a hard days work. Some members camped out both Friday and Saturday evening. To start off the festival on Saturday we joined in a short parade and then served as color guard during the opening flag ceremony. Then it was time man Arnold's Ice Cream Parlor and work some of the attractions. We also hosted several field games for the younger crowd. The Water balloon toss was a bit hit. On Sunday morning the troop attended early morning mass and then went to work on various projects. Our job as the Assumption Church corn shuckers went off in record time. Camp was taken down and people could either stay and continue helping out at the festival or head on home for some well deserved rest. Providing help and assistance this year were Alex, Chris, David D., DJ, Donald, Eric, Jacob D., Justin, Joey J., John, Jordan, Kevin, Kurtis, Kyle, Matthew O., Nate, Steven J., Mr. Makowski, Mr. Svihlik, and Mrs. Verhovnik.

Troop 810 Information Booth

Tough Duty at the Dunk Tank

A New and Improved Castle

Manning the Ice Cream Booth

Nice Ride!

Hey, I'm Working Here

Preparing the Food Booths

Cleaning Out the Dunk Tank

Shucking Corn

Our Campsite

Plan for Parish Festival

The Church of the Assumption Festival is a great opportunity for the troop to give back to our Charter Organization. Volunteering at the Festival will also qualify as service hours toward Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge. As a troop we will be helping out with setup, the ice cream booth, field games, and other tasks. The SPL is handling volunteer assignment and sign-up. Please talk with him to pick your slot. Anyone interested can spend Friday and Saturday night camping on the parish grounds provided you bring your own tent.

UNIFORM: We will be wearing both Class "A" and Class "B" uniforms throughout the weekend. Class "B" is either Troop 810 T-shirt or Summer Camp T-shirt and scout shorts. This is a must for showing off our troop and allowing other festival workers an easy way to identify us. Bring along an extra scout T-shirt for Saturday evening.

Wednesday, August 9th
6:00pm Help with festival set up - approximately 2 hrs
Thursday, August 10th
6:00pm Help with festival set up - approximately 2 hrs
Friday, August 11th
6:00pm Help with festival set up
Saturday, August 12th
7:30am-8:00am Wake-up
8:00am-1:00pm Free time, scouts can head home to get cleaned up and take a break.
1:00pm Return to help with set up.
3:15pm Switch to Class "A" Uniform
3:30pm Procession from Rte 82 and Broadview Rd to Church
5:00pm Flag Raising (Class "A" uniform)
5:00pm-10:00pm Festival - help out in designated areas (Class "B" uniform - Red Troop 810 T-shirt).

Ice Cream Booth (hourly shifts)

Field Games
5:00pm Kickball
6:00pm Volleyball
7:00pm Nukem
8:00pm Waterballoon Toss

10:00pm Clean up parish grounds
Sunday, August 13th
6:30am-7:30am Wake-up and Breakfast
7:30am Attend mass (Class "A" uniform)
8:30am Shuck sweet corn for chicken dinners followed by free time (Class "B" uniform - Scout T-shirt) - no one should leave until all the corn has been shucked.
10:00pm Take down campsite
12:00pm Scouts can leave at this time or stay to help with festival
1:30pm Festival resumes

All scouts MUST check out with an adult leader before leaving the site and check in upon return.

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