Tappan Lake Outing
July 19-20, 2002
A small
number of the troop participated in some summertime fun
at Tappan Lake. We arrived at the campground around 9pm,
set up our tents, and had a quick campfire. The next
morning we ate a hearty breakfast of pancakes and
sausage. After breakfast the group headed out to try our
luck at fishing. Nearly everyone caught a fish and we
included these as part of our lunch. With lunch and a
short Safe Swim Defense session behind us we took off for
the swimming area to have some good clean fun. By
suppertime everyone had worked up a good appetite. Our
chefs fixed up hamburgers, salad, apples and the last of
the Kool-Aid. Unfortunately the trip was cut short
because of unexpected news from home. Getting to outdoors
for this adventure were Alex, David, Eric, Jared, Ryan,
Mr. Makowski, Mr. Svihlik, and Mr. Ulintz.
Plan for Tappan Lake Outing
Date and Time of
Departure: Friday, July 19th, 6pm - Old Church
Purpose: Enjoy
summertime at the lake! Safe Swim Defense and Safety
Afloat will be experienced first hand. Bring fishing gear
if you want to work on Fishing Merit Badge. Plus, plenty
of time to meet those advancement requirements. Location: Camping - Tappan Lake Park and Campground, Deersville, Ohio Cost: $15.00 per scout. Estimated Time of Return: Sunday, July 21st, 11am - Old Church Items to Bring: