Valley District Camporee
"SPL Challenge"
September 12-13, 2008
Cleveland Metroparks Brecksville Reservation
Brecksville, Ohio
To say it
rained this Camporee would be an understatement, but that
didn't stop our troop from having a great time in the
outdoors. Everyone had a lot of fun during the
encampment. Upon arrival we setup camp and made
preparations for the next day's campsite inspection and
competitions. After setup everyone sat down out of the
rain to enjoy a snack before heading off for a good
nights sleep. In the morning we fired up breakfast and
shared some Bacon, Scrambled Eggs, Bread and Juice. The
meal was prepared well and enjoyed by all. However,
cleanup did cut pretty close to our departure time for
golfing. A little teamwork to put things in order helped
us make it to the bus on time. The rain came pretty
steady all morning providing some difficult conditions on
the golf course. The Aging Rams patrol turned in
respectable scores and headed back to camp for a lunch of
Chips, Hot Dogs, and Kool-Aid. In the afternoon the patrol headed off to conquer the Mystery Event, Firebuilding, First Aid and Rope Bridge stations. Firebuilding proved to be a real challenge, but we took top score for the day on the First Aid and Rope Bridge station. Our patrol also turned in a high score on the scavanger hunt. When the stations were all completed we returned to the campsite to make supper and practice our skit, The Titanic. The rain finally let up and allowed us to enjoy a tasty supper after a full day of activities. We attended a short Scouts Own (worship) service, then everyone pitched in to break camp and the site was all cleaned up before you know it. We took advantage of the time before the campfire program to relax and goof off. As the campfire began, everyone waited patiently to hear the results of the competition. The Aging Rams ended up finishing 3rd out of 14 patrols! We were awarded a new cooler for the troop. Then it was time for skits. Our skit was awesome and had the whole camp laughing. The evening ended on a high note and we headed home for some well deserved rest. The campers at the Camporee were Allen, Derek, Donald, Douglas, Greg, John, Kevin, Matthew, Mr. Makowski, Mr. Owen, and Mrs. Verhovnik. |
![]() Titanic Practice |
![]() Captain Arnold |
![]() Mystery Event |
![]() Treatment for a Head Wound |
![]() Fun with First Aid |
![]() Victim Assistance |
![]() Across in Record Time |
![]() Load'em Up Move'em Out |
![]() Traveling Across in Style |
![]() Heave Around |
![]() Final Skit Preparation |
![]() Breaking Camp |
![]() Waiting for the Campfire to Begin |
![]() The Gangs All Here |
Plan for Camporee
and Time of Departure: Friday, September 12th, 6:00pm
- Old Church. Purpose: A fun filled event designed to test your scouting skills against other patrols from troops within our district. Uniform: Class "A" uniform during retreat, vespers, and campfire. Class "B" uniform, Troop T-shirt, for wear during the day on Saturday (weather permitting). Location: Cleveland MetroParks Brecksville Reservation, Meadows Cost: $20.00 per scout (permission slip and fee due at troop meeting on September 2nd) Estimated Time of Return: Saturday, September 13th, after campfire. Items to Bring:
Camporee Details All Camporee procedures and event information can be found in the camporee packet. Here is a quick summary of the events.