July 18-24, 2004 Ransburg Scout Reservation |
A good time was had by everyone that went to summer camp this year. Ransburg is situated on a large lake and has excellent facilities. A large number of scouts come to Ransburg each year and our week was no exception. There were 637 campers and 140 staff in camp during the week. The staff provided a quality program even with the large numbers of people in camp. We enjoyed swimming, boating, horseback riding, climbing, rifle shooting, hiking, archery, just to name a few. Merit badges and rank advancement went well. The weather was hot, but all in all it would of been hard to have a better week at camp. Many wanted to go to summer camp at Ransburg again.
Those attending summer camp this year were Alex D., Alex U., David, DJ, Eric, Jared, Joey J., Joey P., Justin, Kevin, Kyle, Matt K., Matt S., Nate, Philip, Ryan, Steven, Mr. Dzurnak, Mr. Makowski, Mr. Svihlik, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Ulintz.
A look at our campsite early in the week. |
Ready for inspection sir! |
Looks like the start of a good hand. |
Hammock city and clothesline. |
Spending some down time in the hammocks. |
Lining up with our neighboring troop for in site flag ceremony. |
Our comissioner and international scout gives a talk on Trinidad/Tobago. |
Enjoying some calypso music on the steel pan at our campsite. |
Completed gateway to our campsite. |
Forming up at the flagpoles before mealtime. |
Mealtime at the dining hall. |
Lining up for breakfast. |
Horsemanship Merit Badge |
Tree identification. |
Learning CPR. |
Time to brush up on scouting skills. |
Returning to camp after basketry. |
Evening horseback ride. |
Hey, you can't go yet. |
Crows studying for merit badge work. |
Observing nature at the pond. |
The Predators in the van just before the trip home. |
Date of Departure: Sunday, July 18th - Old Church
Purpose: To attend a BSA long-term camp that provides opportunities for fun and advancement.
Destination: Ransburg Scout Reservation 7599 East Waldrip Creek Road, Bloomington, IN 47401, (812) 837-9423 - Emergencies only. Campsite: Cliff Dweller - Upper.
Cost: Dependent on time of payment - see news.
Date of Return: Saturday, July 24th - Old Church
There is a great deal of information provided below about what to expect at summer camp. Most of this was taken directly from the 2004 Leader's Guide and a few items added in for good measure. First year campers should take a look at the Eagle Quest program. All other scouts should look through the program areas and decide what merit badges to take along with any other activities you want to do at camp. Be sure to look over the Program and Merit Badge schedules to avoid conflicts. Use the Merit Badge & Activity Sign-up form to submit your selections. Parents and adult leaders should look through the General Information, Camp Policy & Physical Forms sections. Other sections will also be of interest.
Eagle Quest (First Year Campers) | Program Areas and Merit Badges |
Daily Program Schedule | Merit Badge & Activity Sign-up |
Evening Program Schedule | Firecrafter Program |
General Information | Older Scout Programs |
Camp Policies | Order of the Arrow |
Camp Map | What to Bring |
Personal Health and Medical Record - Class 1 and Class 2 (under 40 years of age) | Personal Health and Medical Record Form - Class 3 (40 years of age and older) |
Visitors Ransburg Wisdom
Troop Photographs and CDs Staff takes digital photos throughout the week. CDs with all of the week's pictures and Friday night campfire slide show are available for $5 at the camp office on Saturday morning. Mail
Troop Campsite
At Ransburg Scout Reservation, the Scout Oath and Law are our guiding principles. We expect each leader to provide the guidance within the troop to follow these principles, the policies of Ransburg Scout Reservation, the Crossroads of America Council and the Boy Scouts of America.
Ransburg's Program for First Year Campers
Eagle Quest is the place to be for brand
new scouts and first year campers. It provides many
activities for new campers and scouts to work on the
scout ranks of Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class. The Eagle Quest area is located on the middle of Ridge Three. Please check the Eagle Quest area for the schedule of the different requirements that will be completed each day and see what you will need for your rank advancement. Scout leaders are always welcome to observe the area and assist the staff. Eagle Quest will provide a meaningful learning experience for the scouts that seek advancement throughout the week.
First-Year Camper Program The First Year Camper Program is a new program at Ransburg that introduces first year campers to various areas of camp. Have your scouts pick up their Passports to Ransburg at Eagle Quest. They will experience camp by doing different activities in program areas, participating in evening programs, and completing merit badges. Your scouts will need to turn in their passports so they can be recognized in front of the whole camp. |
Program Areas and Merit Badges There are many merit badges to work on at Ransburg. All schedules and prerequisites are on the merit badge sign-up page. Scouts must submit this form 2 weeks prior to camp. After submitted the selected merit badges will be reviewed by your adult leaders before being approved. Merit Badges are an important part of the summer camp experience, but keep in mind there are many other activities in camp that are beneficial to Scouts. Aquatics Ecology and
Conservation Scoutcraft Handicraft Field Sports Ransburg Ranch Climbing Tower |
Firecrafter is a camp rank system that recognizes and develops a Scout's camping skills. In Firecrafter, Scouts will join a camping service organization that started in 1920 at Camp Chank-tun-un-gi (now Belzer Scout Camp). This popular program is unique to the Crossroads of America Council. the desire to be a Firecrafter is often the push a Scout needs to come back to summer camp another year or to give him the added confidence to strive for Eagle and other advancement. The camp ranks can only be earned at camp. They serve to compliment your Scouts' advancement work. Most of the camp rank requirements are taken directly from Boy Scout rank advancements. Scouts may try for more than one rank during the week, but this is not encouraged. Our Firecrafter coordinator works out of the Scoutcraft area.
Project C.O.P.E., the Climbing Tower, Ransburg Ranch, Firecrafter, Advanced Motorboating, and older Scout merit badges are a few main camp programs designed for older Scouts. The Ransburg Rendezvous & Continental Tie and Lumber This is a chance for older Scouts to experience making their own lead shot and shoot it from a muzzle-loading rifle. To add to the adventure, staff members are dressed in 1800's period clothing as they teach the art of muzzle loading and tomahawk throwing. The redezvous is Thursday night, 7:15pm at the rifle range. The Continental Tie and Lumber is an opportunity for older scouts to practice making railroad ties, log splitting, and lumberjacking. Project C.O.P.E. Project C.O.P.E. is a challenge of ropes course. Its events are meant to inspire an individual to his potential. C.O.P.E.'s activities have been carefully designed and constructed to offer its participants a challenging and exciting arena in which to pit their skills. Climbing, swinging, balancing, and experiencing the zip line are just a few of the activities that Scouts will encounter. Scouts must be 13 years of age by January 1, of the year they are in camp, to participate in C.O.P.E. C.O.P.E.'s tenets are: Scout can choose from two different times. The group meets daily from 9:00am - 12:00pm or 2:00pm - 5:00pm |
One of the most meaningful experiences in all Scouting is to be elected to the Order of the Arrow. Jaccos Towne Lodge #21 serves the Crossroads of America Council. The Order of the Arrow is a group of honor campers and was established to accomplish several goals:
Ransburg has an Order of the Arrow Coordinator, who is responsible for all O.A. cermonies, elections and promotions. If your troop or individual scouts are members of a dance or ceremonial team, they are invited to talk to the camp O.A. coordinator about joining in the ceremonies while they are in camp. Tuesday dinner is O.A. sash night and then after the Tuesday camp-wide event, the Order of the Arrow will conduct a "call-out" ceremony for the entire camp. All newly elected O.A. candidates will be called-out, and candidates who have recently been called-out may be recognized at the ceremony. |