Trip Plan for Mastick Woods Fishing Derby Campout

April 20-22, 2012
Rocky River Reservation
Rocky River, OH

Date and Time of Departure: Friday, April 20th, 6:00pm - Old Church, Leave when ready.

Purpose: To help the 1st year scouts get used to tent camping, work on some scout skills, requirements, and have lots of fun hiking fishing and building our comaraderie.

Location: South Mastick Picnic Area in Cleveland Metroparks Rocky River Reservation.


Cost: $20 per scout (permission slip and fee, due at April 3rd meeting)

Directions: The South Mastick Picnic Area is just South of the intersection of Mastick Road (or Puritas Road) and Valley Parkway. This is about 3 miles North of the Rocky River Nature Center.

Take I-480 West to the Grayton Road/Airport exit. Follow Graton Road North until it dead-ends at Puritas Road. Turn left and go down the hill. At Valley Parkway, turn left. Watch for South Mastick sign on the left. Meet in parking area near the sign.

Estimated Time of Return: Sunday April 22nd around 9:00am - Behind Old Church.

Items to Bring:

  • Be Prepared for Winder Weather, Rain
  • Scout Essentials (see handbook)
  • Camping Gear and Extra Clothing (see handbook)
  • Fishing Rod & Gear for Rocky River (License if 16+ and going to fish)

Friday, April 20th
6:00pm Meet behind Old Church and depart when ready
7:00pm Arrive at Mastick Woods, Setup Tents & Camp
9:30pm Snack
10:30pm Taps, Clean-up, Retire to Tents
11:00pm Lights Out, Quiet Time
Saturday, April 21st
5:00-6:-00am Earlybird fisherman wakeup for the serious scouts!
7:00am Wake up cooks
7:30am Wake up rest of Scouts
7:45am Practice flag raising with new Scouts
8:10am Flag raising
8:15am Breakfast
9:30am Breakfast & cleanup complete
9:30am Advancement Stations, Fishing
11:30 Lunch Preparation
12:00pm Lunch
1:00pm Lunch & cleanup complete
1:00pm Kickball
2:30pm Advancement, fishing, & free time
5:30pm Supper Preparation
6:30pm Supper
7:30pm Supper & cleanup complete
7:30pm Advancement & Free Time
9:00pm Campfire
10:30pm Taps, get cleaned up and ready for bed
11:00pm Lights Out, Quiet Time
Sunday, April 30th
7:00am Wake Up, Break Camp
8:00am Breakfast (when camp is packed up)
8:30pm Leave for Assumption
9:00am Arrive at Assumption, Pick-up Behind Old Church

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