Yard Charge and Byzantine Monastery
and North Royalton, OH
November 8-9, 2008
A sizable group of scouts from troop 810, cub scouts from pack 810, and adults gathered to participate in Yard Charge 2008. This year we headed to Cleveland to help elderly and infirm homeowners by raking lawns and bagging up leaves. The group split up into two subgroups and headed out in force to rake 22 yards. Some stops were relatively easy, but others seemed to take forever due to the size of the yard and number of trees. We all had fun during the trip and felt like we had won the battle after stacking up a large quantity of leaf bags at the curb of each house. After completing the yards the subgroups headed to KFC to use our free lunch coupons and enjoy a well deserved meal. One group went to a KFC location near the houses we raked and the other visited the one in North Royalton near Assumption. The first group benefitted from their decision by getting better service and free meals for everyone in the group. Those manning the rakes were: Troop 810 - Doug, Derek, Donald, Kevin, Danny, Michael, Alex, Jon, Greg, Jacob, John, Allen, Matt B., Matt K., Kurtis, Mr. Mayher, Mr. Lee, Mr. Drown, Mr. Makowski, Mrs. Verhovnik, Mr. Svihlik, Mr. Dzurnak, Mr. Rickert, Mr. McMahon. Pack 810 - Stephen, Gregory, Stewart, Gary, William, Kevin, Ben, Peter, James, Carmen, Jessi, Mrs. Soroczak, Mrs. Guilivo, Mr. Provoznik, Mrs. Grasso. | |
![]() Group Photo of Both Groups Before Departure |
![]() Lots of Leaves to Work With |
![]() Moving Bags to the Curb |
![]() Handling the Front Yard |
![]() Raging Rams at the Bagging Station |
![]() You Can Rake Leaves and Be Fashionable Too |
![]() Who Made This Mess? |
![]() Move Em Out |
![]() Group Shot of Team One |
![]() Some of Our Handi-Work |
![]() We're Getting Close to the Finish |
![]() No, They Go In The Bag |
After lunch we headed back to the troop room to gather our gear for a night at the Byzantine Monastery. There was a touch of rain in the air, but it wasn't enough to deter our spirits. Camp was setup swiftly and in good order. In no time at all we were preparing an excellent stew with dumplings for supper. As the temperature cooled the warm stew really hit the spot. The food in our pots was emptied quickly. Soon after the clean up crew went at it and made short work of the dishes. Later that evening we sat down to share stories and songs around a warm and bright campfire. People began to get tired and drift off to bed one by one. The last few around the fire let the coals burn down and headed for their tents for a good nights sleep. In the morning we worked together to break camp. The tents and dining flies were taken down then the majority of gear was packed into the cars. After most of the camp was broken we sat down for a quick meal of pop tarts, oatmeal, and hot chocolate. Our final task was to walk through the campsite and leave it better than we found it. Those spending a night in the great outdoors were: Alex, Matt S., Douglas, Greg, Michael, Jon, Allen, Matt B., John, Danny, Donald, Kevin, Ben, Peter, Mr. Dzurnak, Mr. Makowski, Mr. Mayher, Mr. Drown, Mrs. Grasso. |
![]() Is This the Right Way to Set Up a Dining Fly? |
![]() Helping Webelos II's to Pitch Their Tent |
Plan for Yard Charge
and Byzantine Monastery
This weekend will feature
two events. The YardCharge Community Good Turn in
Cleveland followed by an overnight campout at the
Byzantine Monastery. Here are the details... Yard Charge Date and Time of
Departure: Saturday, November 8th, 8:00am - Old
Church Purpose: To perform service hours to the community and get advancement requirements completed. Rake yards for the elderly members of our community. Location: Cleveland, OH Cost: $0 per scout Estimated Time of Return: Saturday, November 8th, 1:00pm - Old Church Items to Bring:
Date and Time of Departure: Saturday, November 8th after return from Yard Charge. Purpose: Work on rank advancement and get more camping nights for camping merit badge. We will also work on a service project during our stay at the Monastery. Come out and enjoy some Fall weather camping! Location: Byzantine Monastery, 6688 Cady Rd, North Royalton, OH 44133 Directions:
Cost: $10 per scout and permission slip, due at November 4th meeting. Estimated Time of Return: Sunday November 9th around 9:30am - Behind Old Church. Items to Bring: