Scout Weekend at Brandywine Ski Resort
February 19, 2011
Sagamore Hills, OH
The many days of rain leading up to our ski weekend left it questionable for our winter ski day at Brandywine. The resort, however, had been making snow all along and there was still plenty of a base left when we arrived. It was even colder and windier than we thought making for a great day of fun. We started out getting our lift tickets and renting equipment if needed. A few of the group went over to the tubing area. All the hills were open and the snow was in decent shape considering all the rain we had had. Only one run had a little ice on it, which was easy enough to avoid. We skied and snowboarded some of the easier runs in the beginning to get warmed up and then headed to more challenging hills a little later. At lunch time the group met in the food area for a meal and to chat about how things were going. Everyone seemed to be having a good time and we continued on after lunch. Skiing and Snowboarding went well in the afternoon too and we started to wind down around 4pm. It was really a nice trip. With all the stories we hope to get more of the troop involved for the ski outing. Those hitting the slopes were Allen, Danny, Doug, James, Nick, Mr. Booth, Mrs. Deran, Mr. Deran (observer), Mr. Makowski, and Mrs. Soroczak. | |
![]() Who is that masked man? |
![]() A look at some of the other runs. |
![]() The tubing area |
![]() Riding the lift up. |
![]() Hey, you following me? |
![]() It was much colder last year at Aspen. |
![]() Getting ready for a run. |
![]() A sillouette of Allen against scattered clouds and blue skies. |
![]() A fun filled day on the slopes. |
Date and
Time of Departure: Saturday, February 19th, 8:30pm -
Old Church. Purpose: To enjoy a full day of winter weather skiing, snowboarding, or tubing with scouts, family, and friends of Troop 810. This is part of scout weekend held each year at both Brandwine and Boston Mills. The PLC have decided to spend the day at Brandywine, but you can use your identity tag to get great discount rates at either resort over the weekends of Feb. 19-21 and Feb. 26-27, 2011. Location: Brandywine Ski Resort, 1146 West Highland Rd, Sagamore Hills, OH 44067 Cost: $2.00 per person for identity tag, bring permission slip, completed form and payment to meeting on February 1st. Be sure to include any family and friends on your form. We will send this in as a troop and pass out identity tags at either the troop meeting on February 15th or before we leave on Feb. 19th. All other fees are paid directly to Brandywine. Scout Packages are Skiing - $40, Snowboarding - $45, and Snow Tubing - $20. This includes equipment and lessons if you need them. There are no fee adjustments if you bring your own equipment since this is a discounted rate. Refer to the flyer complete details. Estimated Time of Departure: Saturday, February 19th, 5pm (Can leave earlier if you want, but be sure to check out with one of the adult leaders.) Should be back at the Old Church by 5:30pm. Items to Bring:
8:30am | Depart from Old Church Parking Lot |
9:00am | Arrive at Brandywine |
10:00am | Open time for skiing, snowboarding, or tubing (buddy system) |
11:30am | Lunch - location to be determined (troop will supply hot chocolate) |
12:00/12:30pm | Continue with skiing, snowboarding, or tubing (buddy system) |
5:00pm | Meet at cars and depart for Assumption (check out with adult leader if you want to leave earlier) |
5:30pm | Arrive at Old Church |