
September 17-19,2010

The Camporee was held in the Meadows on a very mild September weekend. The challenges included a maze, problem solving, first aid and a scavenger hunt. Our Troop had 2 patrols, and they came in 3rd and 6th place of about 16 patrols in total. Great Job! We won a stove for 3rd place.
Brushing up on first aid problems This is how you remove a tick
Hmm not too sure about the tick answer! The other patrol answering their first aid questions
What exactly are those ugly red spots! Mrs. Soroczak and Mr. Booth, our leaders, helping at an event
Using logic to move the trains Mrs. Deran and the Mayhers helping out our Scouts

Date and Time of Departure: Friday, September 17th, 6:00pm - Old Church.

Purpose: A fun filled event designed to test your scouting skills against other patrols from troops within our district.

Uniform: Class "A" uniform during retreat, vespers, and campfire. Class "B" uniform, Troop T-shirt, for wear during the day on Saturday (weather permitting).

Location: Cleveland MetroParks Brecksville Reservation, Meadows

Cost: $0 per scout (permission slip and fee due at troop meeting on September 7th)

Estimated Time of Return: Sunday, September 19th, in time for 9am Scout mass.

Items to Bring:

  • Scout Outdoor Essentials (see handbook)
  • Camping Gear and Extra Clothing (see handbook)


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