The Camporee was held in the
Meadows on a very mild September weekend. The
challenges included a maze, problem solving,
first aid and a scavenger hunt. Our Troop had 2
patrols, and they came in 3rd and 6th place of
about 16 patrols in total. Great Job! We won a
stove for 3rd place. |
Brushing up on first aid problems |
This is how you remove a tick |
Hmm not too sure about the tick answer! |
The other patrol answering their first aid
questions |
What exactly are those ugly red spots! |
Mrs. Soroczak and Mr. Booth, our leaders,
helping at an event |
Using logic to move the trains |
Mrs. Deran and the Mayhers helping out our
Scouts |
Date and Time of
Departure: Friday, September 17th, 6:00pm - Old
Purpose: A fun
filled event designed to test your scouting skills
against other patrols from troops within our district.
Uniform: Class
"A" uniform during retreat, vespers, and
campfire. Class "B" uniform, Troop T-shirt, for
wear during the day on Saturday (weather permitting).
Location: Cleveland
MetroParks Brecksville Reservation, Meadows
Cost: $0 per scout (permission
slip and fee due at
troop meeting on September 7th)
Estimated Time of
Return: Sunday, September 19th, in time for 9am Scout
Items to Bring:
- Scout Outdoor
Essentials (see handbook)
- Camping Gear and Extra
Clothing (see handbook)