Backpacking Training

March 26, 2005

Who: All troop members wanting to attend our weekend backpacking adventure at Findley State Park.

What: Pre-training for Backpacking trip.

What to Bring: All personal gear that you plan to use on the trip. Pack as if you were going for the weekend.

When: March 26th, 2005 -- 9:00am to 12:00pm -- Meet at Brecksville Reservation

Where: Cleveland Metroparks, Brecksville Reservation, Meadows Picnic Area

  • From Assumption Church take Rt. 82 East and go just passed Rt. 21.
  • The entrance to Brecksville Reservation will be after the shopping area on the Right or South side of Rt. 82.
  • Turn Right on Chippewa Creek Dr. (Brecksville Reservation entrance)
  • Turn Right on Meadows Dr. and continue to Parking Lot (meet near large shelter)

Why: Very few members of the troop have ever been backpacking. Most of you should now realize from our troop meetings that backpack camping is much different than car camping. To reduce the difficulty and maximize the fun on our trip it is important to become knowlegable in the skills used on a backpacking trip.

How: Below is a list of topics that will be covered during our training session.

  1. Preparing for a day of backpacking.
  2. 60 to 90 minute hike with gear.
  3. Trail Etiquette.
  4. How to do the Caterpillar.
  5. Procedures for setting up and taking down camp.
  6. Bear Bag practice (including what goes in).
  7. Water Purification.
  8. Setting up a dining fly.
  9. Setting up the troop backpacking tents.
  10. Gear Check, Questions, and Wrap up.

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