PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN FORM at the time the money is turned in for the event. Forms are available at the meetings and on the website.

Event: _______________________________________________________________________________

Date(s): ______________________________________________________________________________

Location: _____________________________________________________________________________

Name of Scout:_________________________________________________________________________

Parent can drive and Auto insurance form is up to date and on file:

THERE: Yes / No Can take # of passengers_______________________________________________

BACK: Yes / No Can take # of passengers _______________________________________________

(You will be notified prior to the event if you are needed to drive, thank you.)

Parent can attend event: ______________________________________________________________

Special circumstances to be aware of: ____________________________________________________

Emergency phone # and name of parent: __________________________________________________

I hereby give permission for my child ____________________________________to participate in the above named Troop 810 even. I understand and accept the risks inherent in such activity. In consideration for my child's participation, I, for myself, and my child's other parent/guardian, hereby release and will indemnify Assumption Parish, Assumption School, Troop 810, the event location and sponsor and all individuals from any claim whatsoever as a result of my child's participation in the activity.


Parent / Guardian Signature _______________________________________________________

Date signed ___________________________________________________________________

Money turned in $ ______________________________________________________________