Mohican Wilderness
Scout Halloween Party

October 14-16, 2011
Glenmont, OH

Trip Plan for Mohican Wilderness
Scout Halloween Party

Date and Time of Departure: Friday, October 10th, 5:30pm - Old Church

Purpose: Mohican Wilderness celebrates the closing of the camping season with an All Scouts Halloween Party. Activities start Satruday at 9am and will include all of the camp's recreation that the weather permits. This includes canoeing, kayaking, tubing, mini-golf, bike riding, basketball, volleyball, softball, scavenger hunt, hay rides, and rec barn.

The pavilion will be the center of activities with a big fire in the center. Dinner will be served by Mohican Wilderness as will refreshments for the evening's Halloween Party. Dinner will be followed by a torch light procession to the graveyard where ghost stories will be told. Prizes will be awarded for the best ghost stories told by Scouts.

Upon returning from the cemetery (assuming all will), everyone should dress in a costume for the Halloween Party. Prizes will be awarded for the best costumes worn by Scouts.

Location: Camping and Canoeing - Mohican Wilderness, Glenmont, Ohio

Length of Canoe Trip: Approximately 10 miles.

Cost: $25.00 per person (permission slip and fee due at meeting on October 7th)

Estimated Time of Return: Sunday, October 12th, 10:30am - Behind Old Church

Items to Bring:

  • Scout Outdoor Essentials (see handbook)
  • Camping Gear and Extra Clothing (see handbook)
  • Hat
  • Sunscreen
  • Chapstick or Lip Balm
  • Sunglasses
  • Strap for Eye or Sunglasses
  • Old Tennis Shoes
Friday, October 10th
5:30pm Meet at Old Church and depart when ready
7:45pm Arrive at camp, begin setup
9:30pm Snack
10:30pm Get ready for bed
11:00pm Lights Out, Quiet Time
Saturday, October 11th
6:30am Wake up cooks
7:00am All up
7:30am Flag Raising
7:45am Breakfast
8:45am Breakfast Complete
9:00am Camp Activities - Canoeing
11:30 Lunch Preparation - *Prepare Ghost Stories for Evening*
12:00pm Lunch
1:00pm Lunch Complete
1:00pm Camp Activities - Hay Ride, Archery, Scavenger Hunt
4:00pm Free Time
5:30pm Supper - provided by Mohican Wilderness
7:00pm Torch Walk to Cemetery
8:30pm Return from Cemetery - Dress into Costumes
9:00pm Halloween Party
11:00pm Lights Out, Quiet Time
Sunday, October 12th
7:00am Wake Up & Take Down Camp
8:00am Breakfast
8:30am Leave for Assumption
10:30am Arrive at Assumption - Behind Old Church

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