Local Sites |
Cub Scout Pack 810
Unofficial site for Assumption Church's Cub Scout
Pack 810. |
Church of the Assumption
Main site for our charter organization. |
BSA Sites |
Scouts Of America National Council
Comprehensive site with details for youth and
adults about all the programs offered by the BSA,
including Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturing, and
Learning for Life. |
Greater Cleveland Council # 440
Council and district news, Calendar, Training
events, camping and other scouting resources. |
National Order of the Arrow
Provides detailed information for all Arrowmen
and to those interested in becoming a member of
the OA. |
of the Arrow Cuyahoga Lodge #17
Local lodge calendar, committee opportunities,
photos from past events (members only), history,
and news letter. |
Get the latest on National and World Jamborees
from BSA National.. |
Scouts of America Official Catalog
Your online source for official BSA merchandise. |
Local Council Locator
Moving or traveling to another part of the
country and want to find the nearest scout
office? Use this handy tool from the national web
site. |
High Adventure |
Scout Ranch
Located in Cimarron, NM along the Sangre de
Cristo range of the Rockies this is one high
adventure base all scouts desire to attend during
their career. |
Northern Tier National High
Adventure Bases
Canoeing treks and other programs along the
Minnesota and Canadian border. |
Sea Base
Sailing, Scuba Diving, and other ocean
expeditions in the Florida Keys. |
Maine High Adventure Area
Backcountry treks throughout Northern Maine.
Crews can plan their own trek to include
backpacking, climbing, canoeing, etc. |
International Sites |
World Organization of the Scout Movement |
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts |
World Scout Shop |
JOTI - Jamboree on the Internet
Available all year round to connect scouts from
around the world using computers. A formal event
is held each year on the 3rd weekend in October. |
2007 World Scout Jamboree
The World Scout Jamboree will be held at Hylands
Park Chelmsford (Essex) in the UK, from 27th July
to 8th August 2007. This will mark the 100th
anniversary of scouting. |
Kandersteg International Scout
Located in Kandersteg, Switzerland the Scout
Centre brings together scouts from around the
world for fun and adventure. |
Other Scouting Sites |
U. S. Scouting Service Project
This is really a scouting portal to many
different sites. It is an excellent site to find
information on all aspects of scouting. |
Scouting Resources
A generous listing of resources on BSA
advancement and general scout skills. |
Badge Research Center
Excellent resource to aid in researching BSA
merit badge requirements. |
Resources for Scouters, Links to councils, packs,
troops, Wood Badge, and OA sites. |
Part of the U.S. Scouting Service Project, this
site provides an extensive database with
information on scout camps throughout the country
and beyond. It includes comments from scouts and
scouters that have visited these camps. |
Scouting FAQs
A variety of Frequently Asked Questions about
Scouting. These FAQs have come about as a result
of people participating in newsgroups. Newsgroups
are one of the original methods of communicating
over the internet with people that share a common
interest. |