Frontier District Fall Camporee September 28-30, 2001 Cleveland
MetroParks Brecksville Reservation The Fall Camporee went off as scheduled with a last minute change of location to Oak Grove Picnic Area in the Cleveland MetroParks Brecksville Reservation. The weather was a bit chilly and wet during the mornings and evenings, but Saturday's competition was warm and sunny with the Bad Boy Patrol finishing fourth overall. Great Work Scouts! In attendance for the entire weekend were Jared, Rob, Tyler, Matt, Josh, Mr. Svihlik, and Mr. Makowski. Other members of the Troop that stayed a portion of the weekend are Kyle, Pat, Mrs. Cree, and Mr. See. We had a great turn out from the Webelos and parents of Cub Scout Pack 810 who spent either Friday or Saturday night in camp. Some of the Webelos had the opportunity to join up with the Bad Boy Patrol during their day hike competition. A campfire with skits and a few songs capped off the weekend activities on Saturday evening. Below are a few pictures of the event.
Frontier District Camporee Events Orienteering
First Aid
Problem Solving
Hiking Skills
Note: The letter/number codes after the descriptions refer to rank requirements. For example, [T(5)] refers to Tenderfoot requirement #5 and [2(1a)] refers to Second Class requirement #1a. This should help you prepare, and may help scouts participating in the event complete a rank requirement. Whether a scout meets that standard for sign-off of requirements is at the descretion of patrol leaders and troop leaders according to their troop's practices. Station judges will not sign-off on rank requirements. Event Equipment The theme for this year's competition is the Day Hike. Each patrol member should come to the Saturday patrol competition prepared for a late September day hike. Each Scout should be appropriately dressed, and have appropriate provisions, equipment and supplies for a day's hike. Lunch will be on the trail, and will be a scored competition station. Patrols may decide whether Scouts bring individual lunches, or prepare lunch as a patrol. No ground fires are allowed for lunch preparation. However, at the discreation of the Scoutmaster, portable stoves may be used. Leaders are encouraged to join their Scouts for lunch, unless they are serving as a station judge. Each patrol is to be prepared to provide lunch for one station judge and as many of their troop's leaders as will join them for lunch. In addition to each Scout's personal equipment and
supplies, each patrol should be sure to have the
following equipment.
Be prepared for things that happend along the day hike, and demonstrate safe hiking skills. Be ready for events in the following areas.